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Fall Break

The Academic Year in Japan

The trimester system is the usual standard in the Japanese education system. The school holidays take place in between these.

Suszuki sensei is a Japanese teacher at JOI and has two children. She adds her personal view of the education system and introduces a shift from the trimester system in this week's teachers' blog.

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Fall Break





しかし10年ほど前から、2学期制に移行する学校が出てきました。2学期制を取り入れている学校は、4月から10月までが1学期、10月から3月までが2学期となります。 我が家の子供たちが通う小学校も2学期制を採用していて、学期ごとにもらう通知表が3回ではなく2回です。そして、夏、冬、春休みだけでなく、1学期と2学期の間に「秋休み」もあります。私が子供のときにはなかった秋休み。ちょっぴりうらやましく思います。

To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video. 

日本(にほん)の学校(がっこう)の1年(ねん)は、4月(がつ)に始(はじ)まり、3月(がつ)に終(お)わります。日本(にほん)の小中学校(しょうちゅうがっこう)は、これまではずっと、1年(ねん)を3つの学期(がっき)に分(わ)けて教育(きょういく)を行(おこな)う3学期制(がっきせい)を採用(さいよう)してきました。4月(がつ)から7月(がつ)が1学期(がっき)、9月(がつ)から12月(がつ)までが2学期(がっき)、翌年(よくねん)の1月(がつ)から3月(がつ)までが3学期(がっき)で、学期(がっき)と学期(がっき)の間(あいだ)に長期(ちょうき)休(やす)みがあります。1学期(がっき)と2学期(がっき)の間(あいだ)に夏休(なつやす)み、2学期(がっき)と3学期(がっき)の間(あいだ)に冬休(ふゆやす)み、3学期(がっき)が終(お)わったら春休(はるやす)みです。  しかし10年(ねん)ほど前(まえ)から、2学期制(がっきせい)に移行(いこう)する学校(がっこう)が出(で)てきました。2学期制(がっきせい)を取(と)り入(い)れている学校(がっこう)は、4月(がつ)から10月(がつ)までが1学期(がっき)、10月(がつ)から3月(がつ)までが2学期(がっき)となります。


Fall Break

The academic year in Japanese schools starts from April and ends in March. Japanese Elementary and Junior High Schools have until recently always adopted a three term system in which a year is divided into three terms and education is carried out under this system. From April to July is the first term, from September to December is the second term and the next year January to March is the third term and there are long holidays between the terms.

However from about 10 years ago, there have been some schools that have shifted to a two term system. Schools that have adopted the two term system have a first term from April to October and from October to March is the second term.The elementary school that our children attend uses a two term system, so the report cards that we receive every term do not come three times but only two times. And also, the holidays are not Summer, Winter and Spring, but they also have a “Fall break” between the first and second term. We didn't have a Fall break when I was child. I feel a little jealous of them.

学期(がっき)  a (school) term; a semester

採用(さいよう)する  adopt

移行(いこう)する  shift; change

取(と)り入(い)れる  accept; adopt

通知表(つうちひょう)  a report card; a (school) report


Konnichiwa. My name is Ayako Suzuki.
I live in Tochigi prefecture with my husband and two children. Tochigi has two towns that are very popular tourist attractions; Nikko, which is famous for its World Heritage shrine and its wonderful nature, and Mashiko which is famous for its pottery. Its only two hours by train from Tokyo, so if you get that chance, please come and visit Tochigi.
Through the language of Japanese, I am happy to and looking forward to meeting you all. Lets study Japanese together.

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