July 2020 Chat Event Topic & Schedule
Topic: 新しく始めたこと、これからしたいこと
New challenges
Date:2020/07/26 06:00 (Japan Time)
Level: Beginner2, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate
Takane sensei's remarks:
Since the amount of time we are all spending at home has become longer, have you tried any new things?
Or do you have any new challenges you like to try from now?
Would you like to travel? Or perhaps make something?
Let's talk about this in this month's free Japanese discussion.
Topic: あの時の私
The old me
Date: 2020/07/22 12:00 (Japan Time)
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Yokozuka sensei's remarks:
Try to recall long ago, or even just a short time ago.。
"At that time, I really studied hard!"
"I got lost that time, and it was terrible"
Or "At that time I was troubled, and a kind person helped me out.
Let's talk about past stories like this in this month's free Japanese discussion.