Japanese Teaching Staff /

takane sensei


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Completed the Japanese Teacher Training Course

Worked for a Japanese language academy in Saipan

Worked as a Japanese instructor for an Institution dispatching qualified trainees in Cebu Island, Philippines

Japanese language instruction for trainees from companies in Chiba Prefecture

Japanese language teaching experience: 18 years


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 I started as a Japanese language teacher at a Japanese language school in Saipan. There, I taught Japanese to people of all ages, from small children to high school students and adults. After that, I worked in the Philippines for 3 years teaching Japanese to technical intern trainees who were planning to travel to Japan. After returning to Japan, I have been teaching Japanese online at JOI since 2012. I have been engaged in beginner education for a long time.

Teaching Levels

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Beginner 2, Beginner 2 (incl. JLPT N4)

Private Lessons:
Beginner 2, Beginner 2 (incl. JLPT N4)

Japanese Teaching Style

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What kinds of activities do you include in your online Japanese classes?

squareBeginner 2

 Lessons cover one or two sentence patterns, and include basic practice, conversation practice, and making up your own sentences. I try to make the lessons enjoyable so that you can learn to how to use the sentence patterns without any difficulty and with confidence.

squareBeginner 2 (incl. JLPT N4)

 First, the key points of the sentence pattern to be studied that day will be explained. Then we practice conjugating the verbs and adjectives used in that sentence pattern, applying them to the sentence pattern, and practicing how to use them. At the end of the class, you will do some practice exercises to check the key points. These practice questions also serve as preparation for the JLPT.

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