Japanese Teaching Staff /

suzuki sensei


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Graduated from Tokyo Woman's Christian University, Department of Contemporary Culture,Language and Culture major

Passed the Japanese Language Teacher Proficiency Test

Japanese language teaching experience: 21 years


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 I started working as a Japanese teacher in 2001 and have been teaching Japanese to international students at Japanese language schools and universities. I have been working as an online Japanese teacher at JOI since 2012. I teach the Survival, Beginner 1, Beginner 2, Intermediate, and N2 Kanji levels. In my lessons, I am always conscious of "how to improve learners' oral proficiency level" and try to apply the OPI (Oral Proficiency Interview) approach to my lessons.

Teaching Levels

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Survival Japanese,Beginner 1, Beginner 2, Intermediate,JLPT N2 Kanji

Private Lessons:
All levels available

Japanese Teaching Style

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What kinds of activities do you include in your online Japanese classes?

squareSurvival Japanese

 This class focuses on situations encountered in daily life and teaches you the minimum necessary Japanese. You can practice simple interactions in restaurants, department stores, hotels, train stations, etc. This class is especially recommended for you if you will be starting a new life in Japan or planning a trip to Japan. Even if you are new to learning Japanese, we encourage you to give it a try.

squareBeginner 1

 In Beginner 1, you will become able to use basic vocabulary and expressions in order to have simple interactions in daily life. You will learn the Japanese expressions and vocabulary necessary for talking about your hobbies and favorite things, introducing your family and friends, explaining your country and where you live, talking about your schedule, inviting friends, giving directions, etc.

squareBeginner 2

 Beginner 2 is recommended for students who are able to communicate in simple Japanese. The goal is to be able to use slightly more complex expressions to express your feelings to others, give your opinions and impressions, talk about your experiences, and give advice. You are encouraged to use Japanese in class and interact a lot with your classmates. Expressing yourself in Japanese is a lot of fun.

square Intermediate

 By learning intermediate sentence patterns, you will be able to easily convey feelings and opinions that could not be conveyed with the grammar learned in the beginner level, and your range of expression will be greatly expanded. Although you will learn many sentence patterns in the intermediate level, in the Intermediate Conversation Class, please be aware of what you can express by using these sentence patterns, rather than just learning them. In the lessons, you will practice conversation with a clear intention of speaking.

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