Materials For The JLPT Preparation Course

For the December 2024 Preparation Course, JOI is using ASK publication's JLPT Online Practice Half-Test. purchase-here

OKAn effective self-study tool !

With this E-learning tool, you can use the JLPT Online Practice Half-Test to improve your JLPT test performance. details

OKEnhancing the JLPT Preparation Course !

In JOI's JLPT Preparation Course our professional Japanese teachers explain the important points from the practice test problems.
Practice how to pass the test in class, learn tips on how to improve your exam reading level, practice skills using listening problems just like the real test.
Get ready for the test in a short time! . See the course schedule.

How To Purchase

Sales start on May 30, 2025.

* Please read the terms of use carefully and continue to purchase only if you agree to the terms.

View Terms of Use

  I agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use

  Purchase for $6.99 Purchase for 680 Yen


*Please select the correct level - mistaken purchases might not be refunded.

*Only JOI members with current lesson tickets may purchase (for more detail read below).

* For bank transfer options, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

square JOI Members

Current JOI Students

If you are currently taking FlexLessons at JOI, and want to take part in the JLPT Preparation FlexLesson classes, please use the above links to purchase the ASK publication JLPT Online Practice Half-Test.

Past JOI Students

1.First purchase some FlexLesson tickets.
2. Next purchase the ASK publication JLPT Online Practice Half-Test for your level from the above links.

squareFirst-time users (please see steps 3 and 4 below.)

3. Please fill out the Enrollment Form and purchase some FlexLesson tickets.
4. Next purchase the JLPT Online Practice Half-test for your level from the above links.

* After purchase, we will send your ID and Password within 24 hours.

What is the ASK JLPT Online Practice Half-Test?

This online learning tool is an effective way to study for the JLPT and practice for the various test sections.
You need to purchase a set of ASK's Online Practice Half-Test before taking part in the JOI's JLPT Preparation Course FlexLessons.
Each test has the same sections as a real JLPT test, but half the length of a usual JLPT test.


Easy-to-use, convenient, and effective

Use on any device, PC, or smartphone - no installations necessary.

During the 1 month validity period, you can take the practice tests as many times as you like.


Carefully selected test preparation questions

Take test practice questions created following the latest trends, and practice high-quality mock exams.

JLPT N4 example Listening Practice Test


JLPT N1 example Grammar Practice Test



Get immediate scores and performance analysis

You can see your strengths and weaknesses. Find focus and direction for your studies. Practice effectively to pass the JLPT!



Half the time and questions

The practice exam time and number of questions are half the content of the full JLPT test, so you can practice easily, daily, or even before the test.


Reasonable pricing plan

Use 1 set of half practice test for 680 yen over a 1 month period.

Take multiple tests, raise your test proficiency, and improve your score within the 1 month period.