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Preventing winter colds

Winter goods in Japan

There are many great and fun winter goods sold in Japan. The recent proliferation of USB powered products means there are some very unique little designs to be found all over the country.

Tourists from China, Korea and Taiwan seem to find the cheaper products in the Daiso 100 yen shops, the quirky fun goods in the Don Quixote shops and the unique and well-designed products found in stores like Loft, the most exciting. But there are many interesting souvenirs to be found in ordinary home electronic stores too.

This blog is focusing on one of these interesting product purchases by Someya sensei, one of the Japanese teachers at JOI online school.
You can read the Japanese version, the version with furigana, the English translation, the Japanese vocabulary list and listen to the video as well on this Japanese learning language blog.

Preventing winter colds


By SOMEYA Sachiko







To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.




店(みせ)に行(い)ってみると、色(いろ)とりどりの様々(さまざま)な加湿器(かしつき)が並(なら) び、見(み)ているだけでおもしろいものや、可愛(かわ)いくて置(お)いているだけでインテリアになるものなど、本当(ほんとう)にたくさんの種類(しゅるい)があることに驚(おどろ)きました。



Preventing winter colds

This year's winter has turned out to be warmer than average, yet despite this snow is falling in the city where I live, Yokohama, marking the advent of the coldest season of the year. And talking about this period, it is the season when influenza and common colds are spreading.

The dryness makes viruses multiply so in our house we definitely take care to put out a humidifier. However, the other day, this humidifier broke down so I was looking for a new one.

When I went to the store, there were various, multicolored humidifiers lined up, some were just interesting to look at, and some were so cute that by just displaying them, they became part of the interior design, there were really so many types, I was surprised.

Out of these, I bought a humidifier that used a pet bottle and that was popular this winter. It used a USB connection as a power source and attached to the mouth of a pet bottle. It was also small and easy to carry around, but the biggest deciding factor was since you can change the pet bottle each time, you can use it really cleanly. Because its so small, I didn't expect it to have much range.

Do you do anything to prevent colds ? The most important thing is to eat a balanced diet and have a good sleep. I plan to take care to keep a regular life schedule, while introducing some fun goods and in this way hope to energetically overcome the winter season.

到来(とうらい)    arrival ; coming ; advent

~といえば   Speaking of ~

乾燥(かんそう)    drying

我(わ)が家(や)   one's home[house]

購入(こうにゅう)   buying ; purchase

電源(でんげん)    power ; power source ; power supply

取(と)り付(つ)けます  attach ; fit ; infix

持(も)ち運(はこ)ぶ  to carry ; to convey ; to tranport

清潔(せいけつ)  clean

広範囲(こうはんい)  extensive ; vast range ; wide scope

規則(きそく)正(ただ)しい regular


Konnichiwa, My name is Sachiko Someya. I live in Yokohama city in Kanagawa prefecture. Yokohama is an attractive city with a lot of tourist destinations. If you ever get the chance, please come and visit. Learning a new language can bring you a lot pleasure but can also be difficult. I would like to help you to enjoy learning Japanese. Let's try hard together ! I'm looking forward to meeting up with you online.

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