Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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The Kobe Luminarie

Christmas lights in Japan

Even though Japan is not a Christian country, the season of Christmas is celebrated very widely. Most cities reserve budgets for the annual Christmas decorations and of course shops and department stores add to the festive spirit.

The illuminations in Kobe city are not strictly Christmas decorations however. Read this Japanese learner's blog below by Sakude sensei who lives in Osaka city, gives a personal account of this yearly spectacle that draws tens of thousands of visitors every year.

The Kobe Luminarie




みなさんは「神戸ルミナリエ」に行ったことがありますか? 「神戸ルミナリエ」は1995年から毎年神戸で開かれているイベントです。1995年というと阪神淡路大震災があった年で、この「神戸ルミナリエ」は震災の犠牲者の慰霊と鎮魂、そして、神戸の復興と再生を願って毎年開かれており、今年で21回目だそうです。写真は去年行ったときのものですが、毎年本当にきれいな光の作品にいつも感動します。


この震災のとき、私は大学生で神戸の近くに住んでいました。激しく揺れてとても怖かったことを思い出します。ルミナリエを訪れると、当時を思い出し、気持ちも新たにがんばろうと思えます。 みなさんももし機会があったら、ルミナリエに行ってみてくださいね。

To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.


みなさんは「神戸(こうべ)ルミナリエ」に行(い)ったことがありますか? 「神戸(こうべ)ルミナリエ」は1995年(ねん)から毎年(まいとし)神戸(こうべ)で開(ひら)かれているイベントです。1995年(ねん)というと阪神淡路大震災(はんしんあわじだいしんさい)があった年(とし)で、この「神戸(こうべ)ルミナリエ」は震災(しんさい)の犠牲者(ぎせいしゃ)の慰霊(いれい)と鎮魂(ちんこん)、そして、神戸(こうべ)の復興(ふっこう)と再生(さいせい)を願(ねが)って毎年(まいとし)開(ひら)かれており、今年(ことし)で21回目(かいめ)だそうです。写真(しゃしん)は去年(きょねん)行(い)ったときのものですが、毎年(まいとし)本当(ほんとう)にきれいな光(ひかり)の作品(さくひん)にいつも感動(かんどう)します。


この震災(しんさい)のとき、私(わたし)は大学生(だいがくせい)で神戸(こうべ)の近(ちか)くに住(す)んでいました。激(はげ)しく揺(ゆ)れてとても怖(こわ)かったことを思(おも)い出(だ)します。ルミナリエを訪(おとず)れると、当時(とうじ)を思(おも)い出(だ)し、気持(きも)ちも新(あら)たにがんばろうと思(おも)えます。 みなさんももし機会(きかい)があったら、ルミナリエに行(い)ってみてくださいね。

The Kobe Luminarie

Have you ever been to the Kobe Luminarie ? The Kobe Luminarie is an event that has been held every year since 1995. 1995 was the year was of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster, and this Kobe Luminarie was established and is held every year as a requiem and memorial event to honor the victims of that disaster, and also to pray for the recovery and revival of Kobe city.This year is the 21st time it has been held. The pictures are taken from when I went there last year, but every year the creations made out of beautiful light leave me moved.

This year there are various new trials, for example, for the first time ever, there was the introduction of an illumination creation in which the lights changed matching to music, and all the light bulbs used were low electricity consuming LED bulbs so there were about 1.5 more lights used than usual. However, raising the funds necessary to run the event every year is hard so this year the event is two days shorter than last year, so that now it is held over 10 days.

At the time of this disaster, I was a university student living near Kobe city. I remember being really scared by the violent shaking. Whenever I visit the Luminarie, I recall the feelings of that day, and get fresh motivation to keep going. If you ever get a chance, please try to visit the Kobe Luminarie.

~というと~  if one were to speak of ..., then certainly; if it were the case that ..., then certainly;

阪神淡路大震災(はんしんあわじだいしんさい)  Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster;hanshin-awaji great earthquake

~を願(ねが)って~ desire; wish; hope.

~に合(あ)わせて~  conforming with

消費電力(しょうひでんりょく)  electricity consumption

資金(しきん)集(あつ)め   fund-raising; fund collecting


Hajimemashite! I am Sakude Emi. I live in Osaka, Japan's second largest city, with my daughters, son and my Brazilian husband. My hobby is cooking, especially dishes from around the world.

My husband and I often talk about how much misunderstanding there is in the world between individuals and between nations. We feel it is these misunderstandings that block smooth human relations. I would like to do what I can to unravel these knots of misunderstanding.

If there is anything you'd like to ask me, even if it's not connected to learning Japanese, please feel free. Let's do our best together. Ganbarou

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