Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Japanese exercise classes

There are a large number of gyms and exercise classes in Japan. You can find many classes in the public civic centers for very reasonable prices which often include aerobics classes and yoga lessons. And there are a number of private gyms that provide in vogue classes like Pilates and Speed Yoga.

Here in this blog for Japanese language learners, Yanaka sensei introduces her new hobby. Yanaka sensei reads the blog herself and you can listen to her and watch the YouTube video to hear some natural Japanese.







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In an effort to cancel out my habitual lack of exercise, I started to go to a Pilates class from May this year. Every time at the class, they teach me the basics of Pilates which include controlled breathing exercises, and how to use my inner muscles. Even someone like me, who did not understand much at first, but after going a few times, I gradually began to understand how to breathe and use my inner muscles. Even though I am just breathing deeply and moving my body slowly, each and every movement began to feel hard. There were some poses that I could do with my stiff body, and this often made me disappointed.

Then, after 50 minutes class is over, I could feel a single line flowing through the center of my body, and my body had become lighter. And my stiff shoulders and back pressure had gone and my reflection in the mirror had a very nice posture to it. And the best thing was that I felt refreshed and invigorated. I hadn't thought that just this small amount of exercise would be so effective. I'm still moving clumsily but I think I'd like to steadily keep at it and one day make my body move lithely.

呼吸法(こきゅうほう) breath control; breathing

筋肉(きんにく) muscle

(動(うご)きが)きつい hard

(体(からだ)が)硬(かた)い not flexible

筋(すじ) line

(体(からだ)が)軽(かる)くなる feel lighter

肩(かた)こり stiff shoulder

圧迫感(あっぱくかん) oppressive feeling;

姿勢(しせい) pose; posture

ぎこちない awkward; clumsy

しなやかに flexible; lithe


Hajimemashite ! My name is Izumi YANAKA.
Through my work as a System Engineer, I have had the experience of teaming up with foreign members of a team. After seeing the difficulties the team members went through with communication and cultural differences, I got to thinking, "If only there was something I could do to help !" Which was what led me to become a Japanese teacher.

How do you find studying Japanese ? Is it difficult ? Do you find it trying ? At the beginning, easy phrases will do, just think of what you want to say and give it a go. For example, let's talk about your favorite things. I like playing tennis, traveling, and gardening. What do you like to do ?

What's the best phrase to say in this situation ? Is this grammar usage correct ?

If you have questions like these on your mind, I want to answer them all one by one. And in this way, without even realizing it, your Japanese will come to improve.

Once you are able to speak, it gets to be fun. It's not difficult, and not trying at all ! I will help you widen your Japanese speaking world. Let's enjoy learning Japanese together.

Start 3 Trial FlexLessons for only $9 !

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