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Shuriken throwing blade

Japanese Origami

The name “Origami” comes from the verb “Oru”: to fold and noun “Kami” which means paper. It is an ancient art and has been practiced since the 17th Century in Japan. There are various types of Origami some which involve colorful paper, and also wet paper.

This is a Japanese language blog by Japanese teacher Takase sensei, who lives in one of the most traditonal cities in Japan, Kyoto. Here she teaches us how to make one of the most basic origami shapes.

Watch out, its not as easy as it seems !

Shuriken throwing blade


By TAKASE Chiharu



今日は簡単な折り紙をご紹介します。「しゅりけん」をいっしょに作ってみませんか。 忍者が使うあの「しゅりけん」です。


まず違う色の折り紙を2枚用意します。 手順1、2、3、4までは「折る」だけなので簡単ですね。 問題はこの次です。 手順5、6、7,8はちょっと苦戦するかもしれません。 6は「つるつる」の面をあわせてから、7は三角の部分を折ってさしこみます。 1つできてもそこでやめないで5つぐらい続けて作ってみってください。 そうすると折り方を覚えるので次からは折り図を見なくても作れるようになりますよ。

金色と銀色の折り紙で作ると高級感あふれる「しゅりけん」になります。 ぜひやってみてください。

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今日(きょう)は簡単(かんたん)な折(お)り紙(がみ)をご紹介(しょうかい)します。「しゅりけん」をいっしょに作(つく)ってみませんか。 忍者(にんじゃ)が使(つか)うあの「しゅりけん」です。


まず違(ちが)う色(いろ)の折(お)り紙(がみ)を2枚(まい)用意(ようい)します。 手順(てじゅん)1、2、3、4までは「折(お)る」だけなので簡単(かんたん)ですね。 問題(もんだい)はこの次(つぎ)です。 手順(てじゅん)5、6、7,8はちょっと苦戦(くせん)するかもしれません。 6は「つるつる」の面(めん)をあわせてから、7は三角(さんかく)の部分(ぶぶん)を折(お)ってさしこみます。 1(ひと)つできてもそこでやめないで5(いつ)つぐらい続(つづ)けて作(つく)ってみってください。 そうすると折(お)り方(かた)を覚(おぼ)えるので次(つぎ)からは折(お)り図(ず)を見(み)なくても作(つく)れるようになりますよ。

金色(きんいろ)と銀色(ぎんいろ)の折(お)り紙(が)で作(つく)ると高級感(こうきゅうかん)あふれる「しゅりけん」になります。 ぜひやってみてください。

Shuriken throwing blade

Here in Kyoto where I live, the heat is so oppressive now that on our days off, we do not even want to go outside.On days like this, I recommend you to sit in an air-conditioned room and spend the day drinking juice and doing origami. Its really fun.

Today I will introduce one origami that is easy to do. Why don't we make a Shuriken throwing blade together ? Its the kind of Shuriken that Ninjas use. This is link to a folding diagram for the Shuriken.

First prepare two origami papers of different colors. Then fold following the order of the steps 1,2,3 and 4. Its really easy.The problems come in the next part. Steps 5, 6, 7, and 8 could be a bit of a struggle. In step 6 you match the smooth parts together, and then in step 7 you fold the triangular part and tuck it inside.If you succeed in making one, don't stop there, try to make about 5 in a row. That way you can remember how to make them, and the next time you can them without looking at the folding diagram.

If you make one using gold and silver origami paper, you can make a luxurious looking Shuriken. Please give it a try.

折(お)り紙(がみ) origami; art of paper folding;

しゅりけん shuriken; small throwing blade; small edged weapon often used for throwing

折(お)る  to fold

つるつる smooth

三角(さんかく) triangle

Hajimemashite. My name is Chiharu Takase. I was born in the spring, that's why my parents decided to include the the Kanji for spring (haru) in my name. My hometown is in Yamaguchi prefecture on the western coast of Honshu, but now I live in Kyoto, one of Japan's early capital cities.

I'm married with one son, and my hobby is the Japanese tea ceremony. Learning a new language, including Japanese, can be tough at first, but once you start comprehending the patterns and rhythm, you'll find that there is nothing more interesting. Do what you can, when you can, and enjoy the challenge.

I'm really looking forward to meeting you in our online Japanese classroom. Let's spend an enjoyable 50 minutes together.

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