Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Class reunion

Japanese class reunions

Class reunions are a standard occasion in any country. And Japan is no exception.The organisation of the reunions is left to an alumni group that attempts to keep in contact with all members and send newsletters or invitations.

Seno sensei, who teaches almost every level from Introductory to Advanced at JOI online Japanese school, writes about her experience with one special high school reunion.

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Class reunion


By SENO Chiaki





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これまでも折々(おりおり)に集(あつ)まる機会(きかい)はありましたが、今回(こんかい)はクラス担任(たんにん)だった恩師(おんし)の退職(たいしょく)という節目(ふしめ)の年(とし)でした。 先生(せんせい)にお祝(いわ)いと感謝(かんしゃ)の気持(きも)ちを伝(つた)えるべく一堂(いちどう)に会(かい)し、楽(たの)しいひとときを過(す)ごしました。

先生(せんせい)も友達(ともだち)も、当時(とうじ)の面影(おもかげ)を強(つよ)く残(のこ)していて「変(か)わらないね~」と笑(わら)い合(あ)い、思(おも)い出(で)話(ばなし)や近況報告(きんきょうほうこく)に花(はな)を咲(さ)かせました。 みんなから元気(げんき)をもらって、ン十年(じゅうねん)くらい若返(わかがえ)っちゃった気(き)がします。

Class reunion

The other day I went to my high school's class reunion.It has been 30 years since we graduated. Woops! I've just leaked my age !

There have been chances for us to meet up occasionally until now but this year was a turning point since our homeroom teacher was retiring.

In order to give our thanks and congratulate our teacher, we all got together in a hall and spend an enjoyable time together. We had fun talking about how the teacher's face and some of our friends' faces still had a strongimpression which led to the cry “You haven't changed a bit!” , and about stories of the old days, and updated each other about our lives now. I got a lot of energy from everyone and I completely felt as though I was rejuvented for decades.

同窓会(どうそうかい)  graduate's association; alumni meeting; class reunion

バレる・ばれる  to leak out (a secret); to be exposed (a lie, improper behaviour, etc.)

折々(おりおり)  occasionally

恩師(おんし)  (hon) teacher; one's former teacher

節目(ふしめ)  turning point; critical juncture

~べく  in order to; for the purpose of

一堂(いちどう)に会(かい)する  to assemble (in a hall); to meet together (in a room)

面影(おもかげ)  face; looks; vestiges; trace

~に花(はな)を咲(さ)かせる  to have fun talking about something

ン十年(じゅうねん)・ウン十年  some decades ( ン~ : at the start of a number in place of a digit)

~ちゃった  contracted form of ~てしまった. to finish ...; to do ... completely (indicates completion, and sometimes reluctance, regret, embarrassment, joy, etc.)


I am truly delighted to be of help to learners of the Japanese language. I intend to have online Japanese classes where everyone can talk as much as possible. I want to introduce Japanese culture in our online classes and use the opportunity to let everyone experience a part of it.

My hobby is playing the piano and, on occasion, the cello. I live with my husband, two children, and our family dog. The dog is very cute, but also very naughty. I have to scold him every day!

I look forward to meeting you in our online classroom.

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