Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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No Sense of Direction

Getting lost in Japan

Getting lost in Japan is actually very easy to do. If you are in Tokyo, the subway system is a complicated maze that requires some level of experience to master.

The road networks in cities often feature one way streets which make navigating your route a tricky endeavour. But luckily, there are numerous detailed maps, GPS systems and map applications for cars and smartphones everywhere in Japan.

If you are like Yatabe sensei, then these would be really useful! Read this blog by professional Japanese teacher Kumiko Yatabe. She has drawn the illustrations in the video, read the audio version and added an English translation herself to help you learn Japanese for free.

No Sense of Direction


By YATABE Kumiko

方向音痴という言葉をご存じですか? これは方向感覚欠けているということです。 私はまさにこれで、道に迷ったり、電車を乗り間違えたり、デパートのような、入り口がたくさんある建物に入って、どの入り口から入ってきたのかわからなくなったり・・・そんな経験はあまりにも多くてここに書ききれません。

No sense of direction





To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video. 

方向音痴 ほうこうおんち

方向音痴 ほうこうおんち という言葉 ことば をご ぞん じですか? これは方向感覚 ほうこうかんかく けているということです。 私(わたし)はまさにこれで、道(みち)に迷(まよ)ったり、電車(でんしゃ)を乗(の)り間違(まちが)えたり、デパートのような、入り口(いちぐち)がたくさんある建物(たてもの)に入(はい)って、どの入り口から入ってきたのかわからなくなったり・・・そんな経験(けいけん)はあまりにも多(おお)くてここに書(か)ききれません。



No Sense of Direction

Do you know the word "hookoo onchi"? It means lacking a sense of direction. This is what I exactly am. I have too many experiences to write here ... like getting lost, or taking a wrong train, or being unable to get out of a big building like a department store that has many exits because of forgetting which exit i came in from.My husband has a good sense of direction, so it seems he cannot believe how poor I am at these things.

I think maybe it is a natural instinct, and is a sort of ability to prevent crisis. If I was born as a wild animal, I would come close to dangerous places and be eaten by stronger animals, or would fall off a cliff. I am glad (I have survived because) I was born as a human.

方向音痴(ほうこうおんち) lack of a sense of direction

方向感覚(ほうこうかんかく) a sense of direction

欠(か)けてている lack

道(みち)に迷(まよ)う get lost

経験(けいけん) experience

得意(とくい) be good at

生(う)まれ持(も)った natural, innate

本能(ほんのう) instinct

危機回避能力(ききかいひのうりょく) ability to prevent crisis

野生(やせい) wild

崖(がけ) cliff

命拾い(いのちびろい)する escape death, survive



Konnichiwa. My name is Kumiko Yatabe. I live in Saitama, just North of Tokyo.
The best way to learn to speak a foreign language is to talk with a person from that country.
Books and CD learning materials as well as movies and music from that country are good learning tools. But unfortunately they do not talk back to you or correct your mistakes.

Please pop into the classroom. If you are aiming to talk fluent Japanese just like a native, or are interested in enjoying to study in a leisurely manner, I am really looking forward to meeting you and many types of students and help you in your quest to master the language. If you don't understand something, please feel free to ask. I will try to make the lessons as easy to understand for everyone.

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