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Drive-through stores

Convenience in Japan

Japan is a country that values convenience very highly. There are many businesses that have become very successful by making services more and more convenient for their customers. Vending machines, for instance are ubiquitous ! Convenience stores are on every street corner in the major cities. And drive-through stores are not rare.

In this blog by Igarashi sensei, a Japanese teacher at JOI online language school, she examines some of these convenient services in different parts of Japan.

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Drive-through stores



Drive-through stores

ドライブスルーを利用したことがありますか。 車から降りずに商品を買うことができるサービスです。 忙しい人や、小さい子供がいる人、歩くのがつらい人などにとって、ドライブスルーはとても便利なシステムです。

日本では色々なものを車に乗ったまま買うことができます。 薬局のドライブスルーもあります。処方箋を渡して車内で待つので、プライバシーを重視する患者さんに好評だそうです。



To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.


ドライブスルーを利用(りよう)したことがありますか。 車(くるま)から降(お)りずに商品(しょうひん)を買(か)うことができるサービスです。 忙(いそが)しい人(ひと)や、小(ちい)さい子供(こども)がいる人、歩(ある)くのがつらい人などにとって、ドライブスルーはとても便利(べんり)なシステムです。

日本(にほん)では色々(いろいろ)なものを車(くるま)に乗(の)ったまま買(か)うことができます。 薬局(やっきょく)のドライブスルーもあります。処方箋(しょほうせん)を渡(わた)して車内(しゃない)で待(ま)つので、プライバシーを重視(じゅうし)する患者(かんじゃ)さんに好評(こうひょう)だそうです。



Drive-through stores

Have you ever used a drive-through store ? Its a service in which you can buy some goods without getting out of your car. The drive-through system is very useful for people who are busy, who have small children, who have trouble walking , among others.

In Japan you can buy various goods while staying inside your car. There are even drive-through pharmacies. You can hand over your prescription while you wait in your car and it is apparently a popular service for patients who value their privacy.

In Gunma prefecture, there is a drive-through store for glasses. The store has a regular shop as well, but about a quarter of the customers make their purchases using the drive-through service. They can check whether the glasses suit them or not by using the rear-view mirror in the car. And you can receive any glasses without prescription lenses that same day.

Do you have any interesting drive-through stores in your country ?

薬局(やっきょく) drugstore, pharmacy

処方箋(しょほうせん) prescription

重視(じゅうし) think that something is important

好評(こうひょう) popular, favorable reception [opinion, notice, comment]

店舗(てんぽ) store, shop

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