Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Brain training

There are many ways to increase brain power and concentration abilities.

There was a fad a few years ago in Japan of using the Ninentendo DS game consol to train brain power, but this seems to have quickly died down now (as many quick fads do in Japan).

Getting a good night's sleep, eating nuts, blue berries, and fish are well known and long established methods of keeping the brain sharp as well as playing concentration games like crosswords.

Takase sensei has another method.

Read all about it below and learn Japanese online for free with this Japanese language blog and learn Japanese kanji and vocabulary. The YouTube video is also an effective way to practice Japanese listening too.



By TAKASE Chiharu



わたしは小さいころからわりと集中力があるほうでしたが、最近はなかなか集中できませんでした。集中力が落ちてきたというより、小さい子どもがいるので集中できる環境が作れないためです。子どもが小さい間は集中できないのは仕方がない、となかばあきらめていましたが、ひょんなことからyou tubeで「長時間作業用モーツァルトメドレー」なるものを見つけました。



To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.



わたしは小(ちい)さいころからわりと集中力(しゅうちゅうりょく)があるほうでしたが、最近(さいきん)はなかなか集中(しゅうちゅう)できませんでした。集中力(しゅうちゅうりょく)が落(お)ちてきたというより、小(ちい)さい子(こ)どもがいるので集中(しゅうちゅう)できる環境(かんきょう)が作(つく)れないためです。子(こ)どもが小(ちい)さい間(あいだ)は集中(しゅうちゅう)できないのは仕方(しかた)がない、となかばあきらめていましたが、ひょんなことからyou tubeで「長時間(ちょうじかん)作業用(さぎょうよう)モーツァルトメドレー」なるものを見(み)つけました。




Do you have the ability to concentrate ?

When I was young, I had relatively good powers of concentration but recently, I am unable to concentrate very well. I think more than that my powers of concentration have declined, it is due to the fact that because I have small children, I am unable to create an environment in which I can concentrate well. Being unable to concentrate while your children are small cannot be helped, so I was about to give up on this when I found something quite strange on YouTube.It was a Mozart medley for the purpose of listening when working for long hours.

I tried it out right away, and my concentration switch went on immediately. I used to listen to Mozart while studying or doing some work when I was younger so my brain must have remembered this. From here on I plan to listen to classical music while working or doing chores and I will be able to concentrate better than before.

Do you have any special things you do to help you concentrate ? Every one is different and there are various methods. If you have one, please let us know. (You can add a comment at the bottom of the blog!)

集中力(しゅうちゅうりょく)(powers of) concentration; ability to concentrate

ため because of

ひょんな strange; unexpected; (by) chance

脳(のう) brain

人(ひと)それぞれ to each his own; people differ 

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