Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Aspirations for this year

Learn new Japanese Kanji

It's 2024 and time to make your New Year Resolutions come into effect. Kanji is one of the main sections of the JLPT test and a big part of the Japanese lessons at JOI.

Read this blog below from Yokozuka sensei and learn some new Kanji too!

Aspirations for this year expressed in one kanji character










 また、笑いは伝染しますね。 わははと誰かが笑っていると、いったい何がおかしいのか分からないのに、つられて笑ってしまいます。



 よければ皆さんも、今年の抱負を漢字一文字で表してみてください。 常用漢字は2000字以上あります。ぴったりの漢字がきっと見つかるはずです。

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笑う門には福来る(わらう かどには ふく きたる)

笑いは百薬の長(わらいは ひゃくやくのちょう)


 また、笑いは伝染(でんせん)しますね。 わははと誰(だれ)かが笑っていると、いったい何がおかしいのか分(わ)からないのに、つられて笑ってしまいます。



 よければ皆(みな)さんも、今年の抱負を漢字一文字で表してみてください。 常用漢字(じょうよう かんじ)は2000字(じ)以上(いじょう)あります。ぴったりの漢字がきっと見(み)つかるはずです。

Aspirations for this year expressed in one kanji character

My aspirations for this year can be expressed in one kanji character.


After thinking for a while about what would be good, I decided on 'laughter'.

Good fortune comes to those who smile.

Laughter is the best of all medicines.

As the sayings go, laughter has a very positive effect.

Laughter is also contagious. When you hear someone laughing, you can't understand what's so funny, but you can't help but laugh along with them.

Usually, I tend to wrinkle my brow, slouch, or tense my shoulders, but this year, I want to remember to smile every time I do.

Of course, when I want to get angry, I will get angry, and when I want to complain, I will complain, but even in those moments, I want to remember, "Oh, I should be smiling! I will remember that and try to laugh.

If you like, you too can express your aspirations for this year in one kanji character. There are more than 2,000 kanji characters in the commonly used kanji alphabet. You are sure to find the right kanji.

抱負 ほうふ:ambition; aspiration; pretension

笑う門には福来る わらうかどにはふくきたる:Fortune comes in by a merry gate.

笑いは百薬の長 わらいはひゃくやくのちょう:Laughter is the best medicine.

効果 こうか:effectiveness; effect

伝染 でんせん:contagion; infection; transmission

わはは:guffaw; har-har; haw-haw; yuck-yuck


眉間にしわを寄せる みけんにしわをよせる:knit one's (eye-) brows/frown

うつむく:look down

肩 かた:one's shoulder(s)

愚痴る ぐちる:complain; grumble;gripe, grouse


常用漢字 じょうようかんじ:common-use kanji


 After studying abroad in Beijing, I decided to become a Japanese teacher and have enjoyed spending time with many students in Japanese lessons. Currently, I am in charge of intermediate levels and above. In my lessons, my basic goal is to help students improve their vocabulary and syntax to acquire a wider and richer range of expression in Japanese, which will in turn help them refine their conversational skills.

 My aim is to support Intermediate students to progress up to the advanced level, and from there, for those advanced students to progress up to a super advanced level! I look forward to welcoming everyone who likes to learn Japanese in a fun (but reliable) way. Let's enjoy learning together!

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