Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Limits of Summer Heat

When does summer change to autumn?

Well, culturally this occurs very soon. Read this free Japanese learning blog for Japanese language learners and study new vocabulary. Listen to the YouTube video to practice your Japanese listening too!






 「処暑」とは夏の暑さが収まって、秋が始まると言う意味です。 8月23日頃を言います。

 この時期に、手紙などで「虫の音に秋の気配を感じる頃となりました」などと挨拶をします。 しかし、実際は9月中旬頃まで、暑い日が続き、秋になったとは感じません。

 でも気を付けて見てみると、朝や夕方に涼しい風を感じたり、虫の鳴き声が変わったり、雲の形が変わったりすることに、少しずつ気付きます。 このように、日本人は次の季節の小さな変化を早く見つけ、次の季節に期待する気持ちを大切にします。


To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video. 



 「処暑」とは夏の暑(あつ)さが収(おさ)まって、秋(あき)が始(はじ)まると言(い)う意味(いみ)です。 8月23日頃(ころ)を言います。

 この時期(じき)に、手紙(てがみ)などで「虫(むし)の音(ね)に秋(あき)の気配(けはい)を感(かん)じる頃となりました」などと挨拶(あいさつ)をします。 しかし、実際(じっさい)は9月中旬(ちゅうじゅん)頃(ころ)まで、暑(あつ)い日が続(つづ)き、秋になったとは感(かん)じません。

 でも気(き)を付(つ)けて見てみると、朝(あさ)や夕方(ゆうがた)に涼(すず)しい風(かぜ)を感(かん)じたり、虫の鳴(な)き声(ごえ)が変(か)わったり、雲(くも)の形(かたち)が変わりたりすることに、少しずつ気付きます。 このように、日本人は次の季節(きせつ)の小さな変化(へんか)を早く見つけ、次の季節に期待(きたい)する気持ちを大切(たいせつ)にします。



The term 'Shosho' or 'limit of heat' means that the summer heat has subsided and autumn has begun. It is said to be around 23 August. At this time of year, greetings such as "It's time to feel the autumn in the sound of the insects" can be made in letters and other correspondence.

It is also known as the 'autumnal season'. In reality, however, the hot days continue until mid-September, and it does not feel like autumn.

However, if you pay attention, you can feel cool breezes in the mornings and evenings, the sound of insects has changed, and the shape of the clouds has changed.In this way, Japanese people are quick to spot small changes in the next season and value the feeling of anticipation for the next season. Japanese people value the feeling of anticipation for the next season.

What do you want to do in the next season?

処暑(しょしょ)"limit of heat" solar term

気配(けはい) sign


I started teaching Japanese to technical intern trainees and internship students, and since 2019, online Japanese instructor at JOI.

My main focus is on Business Japanese and JLPT grammar (N1,N2.N3) in particular. I am also available for short-term private lessons to improve your business Japanese skills before joining a company, taking an assignment, or changing jobs on your requested schedule.

I worked for a major machine manufacturer for about 40 years. During that time, I was assigned to various departments such as factories, trading, R&D, sales, general affairs, accounting, and auditing. With these experiences, I believe I can provide you with practical assistance in various situations when you are doing business in Japanese.

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