Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Morning routines

How to improve your lifestyle

Human biorhythms can be adapted to suit your lifestyle. And following the natural flow of the day and sunlight is a great way to improve mental and sometimes physical health too. This means, going to bed early and getting up early too.

The Japanese latest fad of “Asa Katsu” is based on this idea. And goes one further; try to make the most of those first few hours of daylight and enjoy yourself during this time by doing something productive.

Murahara sensei is a Japanese teacher at JOI and she lives in Kagoshima city, home of the beautiful but active volcano, Sakura Jima Mountain. She has been trying out “Asa Katsu” with some nice results.

Read this Japanese language blog by her, and learn Japanese online for free by listening to the accompanying YouTube video and the English translation and Kanji reading hints.

Morning routines




みなさんは『朝活』という言葉を知っていますか? 『朝活』とは、早起きをして、朝の時間に勉強や趣味など好きなことをすること。朝活をすることによって時間を効率よく使うことができ、結果的に充実した一日を過ごすことができる、というものです。最近、テレビや雑誌でもよく見かける言葉になりました。私も1年ぐらい前から少しずつ『朝活』をしています。




To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.

みなさんは『朝活(あさかつ)』という言葉(ことば)を知(し)っていますか? 『朝活(あさかつ)』とは、早起(はやお)きをして、朝(あさ)の時間(じかん)に勉強(べんきょう)や趣味(しゅみ)など好(す)きなことをすること。朝活(あさかつ)をすることによって時間(じかん)を効率(こうりつ)よく使(つか)うことができ、結果的(けっかてき)に充実(じゅうじつ)した一日(いちにち)を過(す)ごすことができる、というものです。最近(さいきん)、テレビや雑誌(ざっし)でもよく見(み)かける言葉(ことば)になりました。私(わたし)も1年(いちねん)ぐらい前(まえ)から少(すこ)しずつ『朝活(あさかつ)』をしています。




Morning routines

Have you ever heard of the phrase “Asa Katsu” ? Asa Katsu is when you wake up early in the morning and use the morning hours to study or do your hobby or something else that you like to do. By engaging in Asa Katsu, you can use your time more effectively, and make full use of your day. Recently this word can often be seen in magazines and on TV programs. I have been doing “Asa katsu” little by little from since about a year ago.

When I say, little by little, it's because for me, being a typical “night person”, it wasn't so easy to do “Asa Katsu”. If I let up a little, I easily end up staying up late and then oversleep. However, I feel that “Asa Katsu” is good for my mental health, so I've resolved to reform my lifestyle little by little.

The first thing I tried to incorporate into my lifestyle was to practice going to bed earlier. The best way to do this was to change my classes at JOI to early morning times. On days when I have morning classes, I definitely have to wake up early, it was difficult at first, but now I think, “If I don't go to bed early and rise early, I feel out of sorts!”. I think its been a really good change.

Also, the other day I decided that on the Sundays that I wake up early, I'll make these days “Golf practice days”. During the early morning, there are few people at the golf practice range, its really quiet, the air is fresh and Sakura Jima Mountain looks beautiful and so I can just focus on my practice. When I get tired of practice, I take a break with a 100% fruit juice I can spend some really good luxury time. As a bonus, my golf has been improving gradually as well. They say, “The early bird gets the worm”, its really true ! I plan to enjoy luxurious mornings in this way from now on.

朝活(あさかつ)using early morning time (before going to work) for some other activity(

効率よく(こうりつ)よく efficient

充実(じゅうじつ)した~ full ~

典型的(てんけいてき)な typical, classic, true to type

夜型人間(よるがたにんげん) night person

夜更(よふ)かし sit up late (at night), stay up

朝寝坊(あさねぼう) get up late, oversleep

贅沢(ぜいたく)な luxurious, rich, extravagant

おまけに、 As a bonus, in addition,

早起(はや)きは三文(さんもん)の徳(とく) the early bird gets the worm

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Tagged in: Japanese culture

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