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High school baseball in Japan

High school sports in Japan

In Japanese high schools and junior high schools, there are a wealth of sporting activities and after-school clubs.

These include baseball, basketball, volleyball, softball and soccer. And you can also find clubs for traditional sports such as sumo (traditional wrestling), judo (martial arts), and kendo (traditional swordsmanship) as well.

Baseball, soccer, and rugby are the most popular for high school boys. There are high school championships for these sports that are televised and have a large following among the general public.

In this blog by Japanese teacher Miyako Fujinawa, she talks about this problem, and it may be one that American high school sports also face. Read the blog and learn new Japanese vocabulary. You can listen to the blog on the accompanying YouTube video and improve your Japanese listening skills.

 Is this we really what we want from High school baseball?










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Is this we really what we want from High school baseball?

When you think of summer in Japan, what image do you have of it? I think there are various things like summer festivals and fireworks displays. I think high school baseball is another summer tradition in Japan.

Officially, the summer high school baseball tournament is called the 'National High School Baseball Championship'. It is played at the Hanshin Koshien Stadium in Hyogo Prefecture. For this reason, the tournament is also known as the 'Summer Koshien'.

There are 49 participating schools. One school from each prefecture participates. However, in Hokkaido, which has a large number of high schools, one school from South Hokkaido and one from North Hokkaido, and in Tokyo, which has a large number of high schools, one school from East Tokyo and one from West Tokyo. As there are 47 prefectures in Japan, a total of 49 schools (47 + 2) compete for the championship.

The regional competitions are usually held from around June to decide who will represent each prefecture and which schools will compete. The way everyone works together and tries their best to achieve the single goal of competing in the national tournament is very moving to watch, whether or not they win or lose.

Originally, high school baseball was not about winning or losing, but about educational purposes, such as interaction with other regions and schools, and the training of the mind and body through baseball. Nowadays, however, there is an atmosphere in which high school baseball is used as a means to become a professional baseball player. More and more schools are attracting strong players from all over the country to compete in the Koshien. For the sake of baseball, they move to a place other than their hometowns that they are from just to join a high school that is famous for baseball. This has favored private schools, which can attract athletes from all over the country, and has reduced the number of entries from public schools.  

It is sad to think that high school baseball is changing in the same way that the Olympic Games have become more commercialized. It makes me wonder, " Is this we really what we want from High school baseball?".

風物詩(ふうぶつし):feature of the season, something characteristic of a particular season, charming sights seasonal tradition


優勝(ゆうしょう)を争(あらそ)う:to contend for victory

例年(れいねん): annually


協力(きょうりょく)し合(あ)う: cooperate with one another 

一生懸命(いっしょうけんめい):with one's utmost effort


交流(こうりゅう)する:have a relationship


教育的(きょういくてき)な:educational, instructive

雰囲気(ふんいき):an atmosphere

私立学校:a private school

有利:advantageous; favourable

公立学校:a public school


Hello My name is Miyako Fujinawa.
I live in Nagaoka city in Niigata prefecture, which is famous for having "the best fireworks in Japan".
Through the process of teaching Japanese, I can get to meet various people from different countries, and find out some cultural differences and I find this very interesting. And since I don't get to travel often, one of the things that I look forward to is listening to everyone's stories and find myself feeling as though I have taken a trip to various places. I look forward to meeting you.

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