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Cute soy sauce jars

Food accessories in Japan

Soy sauce containers and dispensers come in all shapes and sizes in Japan. It is a sub-culture in itself.

Part of the charm of Washoku or Japanese cuisine is the way in which it is presented. From colorful side dishes to stylish tableware, you can enjoy more than just the food.

In this blog for Japanese learners, Japanese teacher Sachiko Someya introduces one ‘accessory’ to the food that is served that makes the dishes even better.

Listen to Someya sensei read the blog herself, and look at her cute photos in the YouTube video. You can learn Japanese for free by practicing your listening skills and also reading Kanji skills.

Cute soy sauce jars


By SOMEYA Sachiko


 私の住む横浜に、有名なシュウマイ弁当屋があります。子どもの頃から、旅のお供として新幹線で食べたり、お土産で頂くこともあったお馴染みのシュウマイです。 そのお店で、シュウマイに負けないぐらい有名なものがあります。それは「醤油入れ」です。







To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.


 私(わたし)の住(す)む横浜(よこはま)に、有名(ゆうめい)なシュウマイ弁当屋(べんとうや)があります。子(こ)どもの頃(ころ)から、旅(たび)のお供(とも)として新幹線(しんかんせん)で食(た)べたり、お土産(みやげ)で頂(いただ)くこともあったお馴染(なじみ)みのシュウマイです。 そのお店(みせ)で、シュウマイに負(ま)けないぐらい有名(ゆうめい)なものがあります。それは「醤油(しょうゆ)入(い)れ」です。






Cute soy sauce jars

There is a famous Shumai dumpling lunch box shop in Yokohama where I live. These are very familiar Shumai since I have eaten whenever I travel on the bullet train, and sometimes received it as a souvenir, since I was a child.

The shop is just as famous for something else other than its Shumai dumplings. And that is the "soy sauce container". This is not your average 'soy sauce jar'. It is made of ceramic and is in the shape of a gourd. Each gourd has a different face on it, some are angry, some smiling.

They started making them in Showa 30 (1955) and the current ones are the third generation. Its name is "Hyou-chan". It is so popular that when people think of Yokohama Shumai, they think, "Hyou-chan".

I had completely forgotten all about it recently, but I was reminded of it when my son was doing his school homework and had to do some research on this Shumai shop’s factory.

The other day I had some shumai for the first time in a long time and it reminded me of my childhood when I used to take the shinkansen to my grandparents' house. And I remembered how I used to collect all the different faces of "Hyou-chan". The delicious shumai and "Hyou-chan" are both fond memories for me.

If you are ever in Yokohama, please look out for the shumai bento shop with "Hyou-chan" in it.  

旅(たび)のお供(とも) accompanying the trip

お馴染(なじみ)みの familiar; well-known; regular ; old stand-by 

醤油(しょうゆ)入(い)れ tiny soy sauce container

陶器(とうき) pottery 

ひょうたん gourd

~といえば、  speaking of…

工場(こうじょう)  factory

~の際(さい)は at the time of. . .


Konnichiwa, My name is Sachiko Someya. I live in Yokohama city in Kanagawa prefecture. Yokohama is an attractive city with a lot of tourist destinations. If you ever get the chance, please come and visit. Learning a new language can bring you a lot pleasure but can also be difficult. I would like to help you to enjoy learning Japanese. Let's try hard together ! I'm looking forward to meeting up with you online.

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