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An online trip

Virtual tours online

The Covid pandemic, and its impact on global tourism has led to a lot of innovation in the online tourism and virtual tours. The phenomenon had been widely used by museums all over the world and has grown to include many site-seeing spots and World Heritage sites.

In this blog for Japanese learners, Japanese teacher Sachiko Someya introduces her own experience of a virtual tour of Peru's Machu Pichu. Read the Japanese to learn new vocabulary and Kanji and watch the YouTube video to enjoy the experience and listen to Someya sensei read the blog out aloud herself.


An online trip


By SOMEYA Sachiko


 先日、旅行会社が主催するオンラインツアーに初めて参加しました。参加したのは、ペルーの世界遺産「マチュピチュ遺跡」を現地の日本語ガイドが案内してくれるツアーでした。オンラインツアーについては、以前テレビで紹介されていたのを見たことがあったのですが、その時はあまり興味を持ちませんでした。旅行は、自分の足で行き、その土地の空気を感じ、食べ物を楽しんだりするものだという思いがあったからです。 今回は家族が申し込んでいたので、なんとなく参加するといったかんじでした。




To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.


 先日(せんじつ)、旅行会社(りょこうがいしゃ)が主催(しゅさい)するオンラインツアーに初(はじ)めて参加(さんか)しました。参加(さんか)したのは、ペルーの世界遺産(せかいいさん)「マチュピチュ遺跡(いせき)」を現地(げんち)の日本語(にほんご)ガイドが案内(あんない)してくれるツアーでした。 オンラインツアーについては、以前(いぜん)テレビで紹介(しょうかい)されていたのを見(み)たことがあったのですが、その時(とき)はあまり興味(きょうみ)を持(も)ちませんでした。旅行(りょこう)は、自分(じぶん)の足(あし)で行(い)き、その土地(とち)の空気(くうき)を感(かん)じ、食(た)べ物(もの)を楽(たの)しんだりするものだという思(おも)いがあったからです。 今回(こんかい)は家族(かぞく)が申(もう)し込(こ)んでいたので、なんとなく参加(さんか)するといったかんじでした。




An online trip

The other day, I tried out an online tour experience hosted by a travel agency for the first time. We joined a tour to the World Heritage Site in Peru, the ruins of Machu Pichu with a local guide guiding us in Japanese. I once saw the subject of online tours introduced on TV before, but at the time, I wasn't interested. This was because I thought that travel really involved taking yourself to the actual place, taking in the atmosphere of the place, and enjoying the local food, etcetera. This time, one of my family members applied to it, so I joined half-heartedly.

But surprisingly, before the tour began, I found myself getting more excited about it than I thought. I was wondering how they are going to proceed with it. “What other people are going to be participating and how many people will take part?” And I was thinking things, like, “Let me get some food and drinks ready for it!” So as the start time approached, I found myself getting more and more excited.

When it started, the local guide tried to energetically explain everything to us, and I also got into the world inside of the screen, Of course, there were some issues with it, like the image shaking sometimes, and the audio cutting in and out, But even then the staff and guide tried really hard to support us with these, and tried to get the audience to enjoy it as much as possible, and that sentiment really came across to us.

The tour this time was held early in the morning due to the time difference, so we were able to see the ruins at a time when no other tourists were there. This helped us to imagine the site as it was in the Inca period, and we were able to enjoy a tour of a World Heritage Site, which is exactly the beauty of online. And it is because of tour companies and guides like this that are trying hard to adjust the style of tourism that we came to know about this.

Of course, I hope that the day when we can return to how it was before, comes quickly, but at the same time I felt encouraged to make the most of what I can do now by taking this online tour experience. And this experience made me have these wonderful feelings.

主催する しゅさいする  host,  organize

世界遺産 せかいいさん world heritage

現地の げんちの  local

案内する あんないする  to guide

興味 きょうみ interest

一生懸命 いっしょうけんめい  try as hard as one can

生中継 なまちゅうけい  live

時差 じさ  a time difference

メリット  merit

同時に どうじに at the same time


Konnichiwa, My name is Sachiko Someya. I live in Yokohama city in Kanagawa prefecture. Yokohama is an attractive city with a lot of tourist destinations. If you ever get the chance, please come and visit. Learning a new language can bring you a lot pleasure but can also be difficult. I would like to help you to enjoy learning Japanese. Let's try hard together ! I'm looking forward to meeting up with you online.

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