Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

JOI Support staff and manager.

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Take my hat off to the students

JOI’s Business Japanese class

JOI's Business Japanese class teaches all you need to know to do business in Japan. It includes essential business manners and key Japanese business jargon and also writing emails and giving presentations.

It is about the latter that Fujinawa sensei, one of the teachers of the Business Japanese classes, introduces in this blog. You can study the vocabulary and Kanji in this blog, and also listen to the language in the YouTube video.

If you enjoy this blog, please try out some Business Japanese classes too. You can learn a lot of necessary Japanese business phrases and improve your conversational skills.

Take my hat off to the students





 クラスでは、メールの勉強をしたり、ビジネス会話を練習したりしています。ある日、とりあげた テーマは「説明する 」でした。そこでの生徒さんたちは、わたしより一枚上手でした。

 自分が説明したことを他の人が理解しているかどうか を考えるとき、みんなが知っていて、想像しやすいものである必要があります。いろいろな国、いろいろな職業がいる中で私が思いついたアイデアは『マスク嫌い のトランプ大統領思わず つけたくなるマスク』について自由に考えて発表する ことでした。マスクならみんなが知っているものですし、商品の良さを説明する練習にもなります。みんなにも楽しんでもらえるテーマだと思いました。




To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.







Take my hat off to the students

This time the topic I want to introduce is quite close to me. I would like to talk about JOI’s Business Japanese classes.

In the classes, we study how to write Japanese business emails and practice business conversations too. One day, the topic was about “Giving explanations”. And during the discussion, the students' performance was a cut above even my own level.

When you are practicing how to make sure that the other person has understood what you have explained, it is necessary to use something that is easy for everyone to imagine. Since everyone is from different countries and working in different fields, the idea I came up with was to think freely about “a mask design that even the mask-hating President Trump would want to wear”. I thought that everyone knows what masks are, and it would be a chance to practice how to explain a product well. So I thought that it would be a fun topic that everyone could enjoy.

But actually, I was the one who enjoyed it the topic the most. Each presentation fully displayed the personality and uniqueness of each student. There was “a mask the featured the American symbol of the bald eagle that you see everywhere and which Democrats would never wear” and the student explained to us that the gimmick was that “the mask made you look manly when wearing it”. One of the presentations that was really impressive was “an aroma mask” which gave off “the scent of authority or the scent of money”.

I really take my hat off to the students who could use a language other than their mother tongue and express themselves in Japanese using such powers of imagination.

脱帽(だつぼう)→(人に)脱帽(だつぼう)するの形で take one's hat off to 

とりあげる:to take up

説明(せつめい)する:to describe

一枚上手(いちまいうわて):one step higher, one better, cut above

理解(りかい)する:to understand

~かどうか:whether or not

想像(そうぞう)する:imagine, calculate, conceive

~しやすい:easy to do

職業:an occupation、a job


大統領(だいとうりょう):the President

思(おも)わず~:in spite of oneself, instinctively



個性(こせい)にあふれる:great individuality

白頭鷲(はくとうわし):bald eagle

民主党(みんしゅとう):the Democratic Party.



母国語(ぼこくご):one's mother tongue.


Hello My name is Miyako Fujinawa.
I live in Nagaoka city in Niigata prefecture, which is famous for having "the best fireworks in Japan".
Through the process of teaching Japanese, I can get to meet various people from different countries, and find out some cultural differences and I find this very interesting. And since I don't get to travel often, one of the things that I look forward to is listening to everyone's stories and find myself feeling as though I have taken a trip to various places. I look forward to meeting you.

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