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The Coronavirus disease

The Coronavirus disease in Japan

The Coronavirus disease in Japan is spreading, as it is in other Asian countries. People have been panic-buying toilet and tissue paper and the supply of masks in drug stores has been depleted for almost a month now.

There is little in the way of good news on the horizon as the country tries to curb the spread of the virus before the crucial April start of the business and school financial and academic years. It is a wait and see if the current policies that have been put in place are going to be effective.

In this blog by Ms. Sayuri Itaya a Japanese teacher at JOI, she reads a summary of what is going on in the country and gives a personal view of the disease from a Japanese person's perspective.

Listen Itaya sensei's reading of the blog and learn some great Japanese vocabulary and phrases for free.

The Coronavirus disease


By ITAYA Sayuri









To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video. 


 「コロナウィルス」という言葉(ことば)を 初(はじ)めて 聞(き)いたのは、確(たし)か 今年(ことし)の1月(がつ)の ことだったと思(おも)います。ところが 今(いま)では この言葉をニュースで聞かない日(ひ)が ありません。

 皆(みな)さんも 既(すで)に ご存知(ぞんじ)の通(とお)り、「新型コロナウィルス」の感染(かんせん)が 止(と)まりません。初(はじ)めは 外国(がいこく)で 発生(はっせい)した病気(びょうき)で、自分達(じぶんたち)には あまり関係(かんけい)のない病気だと思っていました。ところが これは「対岸の火事(たいがんのかじ)」ではなかったのです。

 当初(とうしょ)は 感染の原因(げんいん)が はっきりしていたのに、だんだん、どこで どう感染したか わからない患者(かんじゃ)増(ふ)えてきました。しかも 感染しても発病(はつびょう)する前(まえ)、症状(しょうじょう)に気(き)づかないうちに 別(べつ)の人(ひと)に感染を広(ひろ)げる可能性(かのうせい)があると いうことですから、これは 本当(ほんとう)に怖(こわ)いことです。さらに、お年寄(としよ)りや、持病(じびょう)のある人は重症化(じゅうしょうか)し、ひどい時(とき)には 亡(な)くなってしまうこともあるので、82歳(さい)の母(はは)がいる私(わたし)にとっては 深刻(しんこく)な問題(もんだい)です。

 日本(にほん)では 感染の急激(きゅうげき)な広がりを抑(おさ)えるため、3月から小中学校(しょうちゅうがっこう)、高校(こうこう)の臨時休校(りんじきゅうこう)実施(じっし)されました。3月の学校と言(い)えば、卒業式(そつぎょうしき)という 大(おお)きな行事(ぎょうじ)がある時期(じき)です。卒業式ができなくて 卒業証書(そつぎょうしょうしょ)が送(おく)られて来(く)るとか、規模縮小(きぼしゅくしょう)や時間短縮(じかんたんしゅく)で行(おこな)うなどの学校が多(おお)いそうです。

  また、人がたくさん集(あつ)まると 感染の危険性(きけんせい)増(ま)す ということで、イベントやコンサートの中止(ちゅうし)、遊園地(ゆうえんち)や娯楽施設(ごらくしせつ)の一時閉鎖(いちじへいさ)、プロスポーツの無観客試合(むかんきゃくじあい)など、過去(かこ)にはなかったことが 次々(つぎつぎ)と 起(お)こっています。



The Coronavirus disease

If I'm not mistaken, the first time that I heard the word Coronavirus was I think in January this year. However now there isn't a day when you don't hear this word on the News.

As you all know, infections from Coronavirus disease show no signs of stopping. In the beginning, it was a disease that started abroad, and we felt that it wasn't related to us. However, it was far from being someone else's problem.

At the start, the causes of infection were clear but gradually the number of patients with whom the place and method of infection were unknown began to increase.

Moreover, even when infected and before the disease attacks, there is a possibility of it spreading to other people before you notice the symptoms, which is scary. Also, for the aged and for those with chronic diseases it is possible for the disease to turn into a serious illness and in extreme circumstances, lead to death. I have an 82 year old mother so it is a severe problem for me.

In Japan, in order to control rapid infections, elementary, junior and high school operations have been closed down from March. Talking about March in Japanese schools, it is the season for the all-important graduation ceremonies. There are many schools that are forgoing graduation ceremonies and posting the graduation certificates, and some that are reducing the scale of the ceremonies or shortening the time of the events.

And the risks of infection increase in places where many people gather so events and concerts have been canceled and amusement parks and recreational facilities have been temporarily closed, there have been audience-free pro sports games, etc. Things which have never happened before in the past have been occurring one after another.

The only things that we can do for now are cough etiquette, (when you cough or sneeze, either wear a mask or use a tissue or use your sleeve to cover your nose and mouth) washing hands properly, and acting calmly without panicking.

And we can only pray that someone comes up with an effective medication quickly.

新型コロナウイルス感染症 【しんがたコロナウイルスかんせんしょう】 COVID-19; Coronavirus disease 2019

確か 【たしか】 If I'm not mistaken

既に 【すでに】 already

ご存じの通り 【ごぞんじのとおり】 As you already know

感染 【かんせん】 infection

発生 【はっせい】 outbreak

対岸の火事 【たいがんのかじ】 fire on the opposite shore; somebody else's problem

当初 【とうしょ】 (1) beginning; start; outset; (n-adv) (2) at first

原因 【げんいん】 cause; origin

患者 【かんじゃ】 patient

増える 【ふえる】 to increase; to multiply

発病 【はつびょう】 attack (disease)

症状 【しょうじょう】 condition (of a patient)

広げる 【ひろげる】 to spread

可能性 【かのうせい】 potentiality; likelihood; possibility; availability

持病 【じびょう】 chronic disease

重症 【じゅうしょう】 serious illness

化する 【かする】 to change into

深刻 【しんこく】 serious; severe

急激 【きゅうげき】 sudden; abrupt; rapid

抑える 【おさえる】 to control

臨時休校 【りんじきゅうこう】 school closure ; cancellation of classes

実施 【じっし】 operation

卒業式 【そつぎょうしき】 graduation ceremony

行事 【ぎょうじ】 event

時期 【じき】 time; season

卒業証書 【そつぎょうしょうしょ】 graduation certificate

規模 【きぼ】 scale; scope; plan; structure

縮小 【しゅくしょう】 reduction; curtailment

短縮 【たんしゅく】 shortening

危険性 【きけんせい】 (n) riskiness; danger

増す 【ます】 to increase; to grow

娯楽施設 【ごらくしせつ】 amusement (recreational) facilities

閉鎖 【へいさ】 closing; closure; shutdown

無 【む】 nothing; naught; nil; zero

観客 【かんきゃく】 audience; spectator

咳 【せき】 cough

くしゃみ sneeze

袖 【そで】 sleeve

押さえる 【おさえる】 to cover (esp. a part of one's body with one's hand);

守る 【まもる】 to abide (by the rules)

冷静 【れいせい】 calmness

特効薬 【とっこうやく】 specific medicine

開発 【かいはつ】 development

祈る 【いのる】 to pray ; to wish


Hajimemashite, everyone. My name is Itaya Sayuri. I live in Sapporo, Hokkaido.
Sapporo is a really liveable city because, although we have a lot of snow in the winter, the summers are much cooler than other areas of Japan. Apart from teaching Japanese, I also hope to let everyone know about Sapporo, its beautiful nature and delicious food.
I play volleyball once or twice a week for my health and play golf on occasion. I also love watching movies.
Do you think the Japanese language is difficult? Well, come and enjoy studying with me in our online Japanese classroom?don't worry about making mistakes and just try to speak up as much as possible. I think this is the secret to success in Japanese. Ganbare!

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