Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Japanese breakfast

A traditional Japanese breakfast is typically some rice with some grilled fish, miso soup and possibly some side dishes of eggs or seaweed.

This is part of a healthy diet, although some experts warn against the abundance of salt in some of the dishes.

In this blog by Kumiko Yatabe a Japanese teacher, she explores another choice for that is far more familiar to western people. Listen to the blog on the video to practice Japanese listening. And read and learn new Kanji from this fun to read language blog.



By YATABE Kumiko




 先日、スーパーに行ったとき、パッケージに「甘くない!」と書かれたグラノーラを見つけました。「おお! ついに!」と思ってすぐに買いました。食べてみると確かに甘くない。しょっぱくもない。「これだー!」と喜びました。

 日本人の感覚では、甘いものはおやつやデザートであって、食事らしく感じられないように思います。甘くない製品を作ってほしいという消費者からの要望があったのではないでしょうか。 これに続いて、ぜひ他のメーカーも甘くないグラノーラを出してほしいなと、わがまま期待抱いています。

To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.




 先日(せんじつ)、スーパーに行ったとき、パッケージに「甘くない!」と書(か)かれたグラノーラを見つけました。「おお! ついに!」と思ってすぐに買(か)いました。食べてみると確(たし)かに甘くない。しょっぱくもない。「これだー!」と喜(よろこ)びました。

 日本人の感覚(かんかく)では、甘いものはおやつやデザートであって、食事(しょくじ)らしく感(かん)じられないように思います。甘くない製品を作ってほしいという消費者(しょうひしゃ)からの要望(ようぼう)があったのではないでしょうか。 これに続(つづ)いて、ぜひ他(ほか)のメーカーも甘くないグラノーラを出(だ)してほしいなと、わがまま期待(きたい)抱(いだ)いています。 


I think that cereal is a common food in western countries. In Japan too there are some makers that produce cereal, but there aren't so many.

I like granola but the product that I have been buying until now is too sweet, it tastes so sweet in the mouth so I have gotten tired of it. I always thought to myself that I wish there was a maker that would make granola that wasn't so sweet.

The other day, when I went to the supermarket, I found a package that had 'not sweet!' written on it. "Oh, finally!" I thought and soon bought it. As I tasted it, I thought to myself,"...hmm..certainly it isn't sweet. Nor is it sour either." I rejoiced, "This is it!"

I think that in Japanese people's sense of taste, sweet things are for deserts or for snacks., and don't feel like a meal. I wonder if there was a request from customers for a product that was not sweet. I have this selfish expectation and hope that following on from this, other makers start bringing out granola that is not sweet as well.

欧米(おうべい) Western countries

シリアル cereal

一般的(いっぱんてき) common

製品(せいひん) product

飽(あ)きる get bored

先日(せんじつ) the other day

ついに finally

確(たし)かに surely

しょっぱい salty

感覚(かんかく) sense, common sense

消費者(しょうひしゃ) customer

要望(ようぼう) request

わがまま selfish

期待(きたい) expectation

抱(いだ)く have


Konnichiwa. My name is Kumiko Yatabe. I live in Saitama, just North of Tokyo.

The best way to learn to speak a foreign language is to talk with a person from that country.

Books and CD learning materials as well as movies and music from that country are good learning tools. But unfortunately they do not talk back to you or correct your mistakes.

Please pop into the classroom. If you are aiming to talk fluent Japanese just like a native, or are interested in enjoying to study in a leisurely manner, I am really looking forward to meeting you and many types of students and help you in your quest to master the language. If you don't understand something, please feel free to ask. I will try to make the lessons as easy to understand for everyone.

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