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Local cuisine Sapporo soup curry

Local cuisine in Japan

Japanese people really enjoy traveling and eating. When they travel to a certain area, then love to try the local food that is sold there, and taste the local specialties.

There is a lot of TV and magazine coverage on the different cuisine that can be found in each town, city, and prefecture around Japan. And it is rare to switch on the TV and not find at least one program introducing a local specialty or dish.

In this blog for Japanese learners, Itaya sensei a Japanese teacher at JOI, introduces a recently popular dish from her hometown on the island of Hokkaido.

Read this interesting blog, and listen to Itaya sensei reading the blog herself. It is a very good way to learn Japanese for free online.

Local cuisine Sapporo soup curry


By ITAYA Sayuri


 「ご当地グルメ」 とは、地域独特伝統的料理だけでなく、その土地その場所の庶民に人気の料理や、たくさんの観光客に来てもらうための町おこし一環で作られた料理などのことです。 私が住んでいる札幌は「札幌ラーメン」「ジンギスカン」「海鮮料理」など、いろいろ有名ですが、今日は近年人気になっている「スープカレー」をご紹介します。 



 札幌スープカレーは、とろみがなく、スパイスの効いたさらさらのスープに大きな具材特徴です。具材はスープと別に調理されているので、それぞれの素材の味が楽しめます。ほとんどのメニューでおいしい野菜がたっぷり入っています。 肉は好みで牛肉、豚肉、鶏肉、ハンバーグなど選択できます。




■ パターンB



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 「ご当地グルメ」とは、地域(ちいき)独特(どくとく)伝統的(でんとうてき)料理(りょうり)だけでなく、その土地(とち)その場所(ばしょ)の庶民(しょみん)に人気(にんき)の料理や、たくさんの観光客(かんこうきゃく)に来(き)てもらうための町(まち)おこし一環(いっかん)で作(つく)られた料理(りょうり)などのことです。 私(あたし)が住(す)んでいる札幌(さっぽろ)は「札幌ラーメン」「ジンギスカン」「海鮮(かいせん)料理」など、いろいろ有名(ゆうめい)ですが、今日(きょう)は近年(きんねん)人気(にんき)になっている「スープカレー」をご紹介(しょうかい)します。

 カレーライスはインド料理を元(もと)にイギリスで生(う)まれたそうですが、日本(にほん)で独自(どくじ)進化(しんか)をとげ、日本の家庭(かてい)料理の人気ナンバー1といっても過言(かごん)ではありません。このカレーはとろみがあり、ごはんの上(うえ)にかけて食(た)べるのが通常(つうじょう)です。 札幌スープカレーは、とろみがなく、スパイスの効(き)いた さらさらのスープに大(おお)きな具材(ぐざい)特徴(とくちょう)です。具材はスープと別(べつ)に調理(ちょうり)されているので、それぞれの素材(そざい)の味(あじ)が楽(たの)しめます。ほとんどのメニューでおいしい野菜(やさい)がたっぷり入(はい)っています。肉(にく)は好(この)みで牛肉(ぎゅうにく)、豚肉(ぶたにく)、鶏肉(とりにく)、ハンバーグなど選択(せんたく)できます。






Local cuisine Sapporo soup curry

Local cuisine in Japan (or 'Gotouchi Gourmet' in Japanese) is not just the traditional cuisine that is unique to the locality, but also the food that is popular with the local people in that area and also the food made to get many tourists to visit the town, which links to the revitalization of the towns among other things.

The town in which I live in, Sapporo is famous for various food, like Sapporo Ramen noodles, Jingisukan (Genghis Khan) lamb dishes, and seafood cuisine etc, but the food I want to introduce today is Soup Curry which has become popular in recent years.

Japanese style curry rice was originally an Indian dish that was first started in England and developed in a way peculiar to Japan and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is has become the number one most popular home cooking in Japan. This curry has a thickness to it and is usually eaten poured over some rice.

Sapporo's soup curry does not have a thickness to it but is free-flowing soup which features large ingredients in it. The ingredients are prepared separately to the soup, so you can enjoy each of the tastes of the ingredients. Most of the recipes include ample servings of delicious vegetables.

You can choose the meat to your liking from beef, pork, chicken or hamburger steak among others. You can select the level of spice from 1 to about 30 too. For people who don't like spicy food, there is level 1, and mildly spicy is level 3. But this depends on each shop, so apparently, it is always a good idea to confirm with the shop staff when you order.

You can eat it in any way you like. Let me introduce you to three ways used in the shops that I often go to.

■Pattern A
You pour one mouthful of curry and ingredients over some rice and eat it this way.
■ Pattern B
You eat the rice, then drink the soup and then eat the ingredients so that the rice, soup and ingredients are eaten separately.
■Pattern C
You pick up a mouthful of rice with your spoon, dip this into the soup curry, and then eat it together with ingredients.
I usually use Pattern B.

 In many restaurants in Japan, the Japanese 'gohan' (rice) is often called 'raisu'. This is interesting as well, right? If you get a chance to come to Sapporo, please try this soup curry which the local people often eat as well. And it is not just Sapporo, there are apparently local cuisine curries in various places around Japan, so it might be fun to check out what types of curry there are in each local destination that you travel to.

ご当地(とうち)グルメ: local cuisine; popular food from a particular area

スープカレー: curry soup with rice (wasei: soup curry)

地域(ちいき): area; region

独特(どくとく): peculiarity; uniqueness; characteristic

伝統的(でんとうてき): traditional; conventional

庶民(しょみん): common people; ordinary people

観光客(かんこうきゃく): tourist

町(まち)おこし: revitalization of a town; town renewal (project)

一環(いっかん): link (e.g. in a chain of events); part (of a plan, campaign, activities, etc.);

海鮮(かいせん): seafood

近年(きんねん): recent years

元(もと): origin; source

独自(どくじ): original; unique; distinctive; characteristic; peculiar

進化(しんか)をとげる: to make progress; to develop; to evolve (method, style, etc.)

過言(かごん): exaggeration; overstatement; saying too much

とろみ: thickness (e.g. of a sauce, oil, etc.); viscosity

通常(つうじょう): usual; ordinary; normal; regular; general; common

効(き)く: to be effective; to show effect

さらさら: (1) rustling; murmuring; (2) fluently; (3) silky; smooth and dry; free-flowing

具材(ぐざい): material; ingredient

特徴(とくちょう): feature; trait; characteristic

調理(ちょうり): cooking; food preparation

素材(そざい): ingredient; (raw) material; resource

選択(せんたく): selection; choice; option

辛(から)さ: spicy taste

~によって異(こと)なる to differ depending on ...

際(さい): on the occasion of; circumstances

確(たし)かめる: to ascertain; to check; to make sure

一口(ひとくち): mouthful; morsel; bite

程度(ていど): degree; amount; grade; about

別々(べつべつ): separately; apart; severally; individually

浸(ひた)す: to soak; to dip; to steep; to immerse

飲食店(いんしょくてん): restaurant

機会(きかい): opportunity

地元(じもと):home area; home town

各地(かくち): every place; various places


Hajimemashite, everyone. My name is Itaya Sayuri. I live in Sapporo, Hokkaido.
Sapporo is a really liveable city because, although we have a lot of snow in the winter, the summers are much cooler than other areas of Japan. Apart from teaching Japanese, I also hope to let everyone know about Sapporo, its beautiful nature and delicious food.
I play volleyball once or twice a week for my health and play golf on occasion. I also love watching movies.
Do you think the Japanese language is difficult? Well, come and enjoy studying with me in our online Japanese classroom?don't worry about making mistakes and just try to speak up as much as possible. I think this is the secret to success in Japanese. Ganbare!

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