Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Sports in Autumn: I will exercise!

Autumn in Japan

Japan has four seasons and the Japanese people are very proud of this. Within each season, there are activities which are promoted and well-loved by the general population, but autumn or fall in Japan seems to hold a dear place in people's hearts.

There are many activities that are talked about and promoted in autumn including reading books, eating seasonal cuisine and fruits and also playing sports. There is a national holiday named Sports Day at the beginning of October, and there are various local and school sports festivals around the country.

In this language learner's blog by Rie Kinoi sensei, one of the Japanese teachers at JOI, she confesses to being a reformed couch potato!

Read the interesting blog to practice your Japanese vocabulary and listen to the video's Japanese too to practice your Japanese listening.

Sports in Autumn: I will exercise!






 気温が下がり、気持ちがいい季節なので、私もやる気でいっぱいです。ジムだけではなく、普段の生活でもできるだけ散歩したり、筋トレをしようと思います。今度レッスンで「私も運動していますよ」と自慢げに話ができたらなと思います。 まったく運動していなかったので、無理しないで、少しずつ始めようと思います。そして、できるだけ、長く続けたいと思っています。

To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video. 




 気温(きおん)が下(さ)がり、気持(きも)ちがいい季節(きせつ)なので、私(わたし)もやる気(き)でいっぱいです。ジムだけではなく、普段(ふだん)の生活(せいかつ)でもできるだけ散歩(さんぽ)したり、筋(きん)トレをしようと思(おも)います。今度(こんど)レッスンで「私(わたし)も運動(うんどう)していますよ」と自慢(じまん)げに話(はなし)ができたらなと思(おも)います。 まったく運動(うんどう)していなかったので、無理(むり)しないで、少(すこ)しずつ始(はじ)めようと思(おも)います。そして、できるだけ、長(なが)く続(つづ)けたいと思(おも)っています。

Sports in Autumn: I will exercise!

I never do exercise habitually at all. When I go out, I use my car. I don't walk for long distances so I think my daily number of steps (using a pedometer) is surprisingly few. And when I go out, I do not use the stairs and prefer to use escalators and elevators. On the train, I want to sit down if possible.I hate lifting heavy things. The only time I move my body is when I go shopping or do housework. Usually, I clean the house, take care of the garden and go out to places so I thought that this was enough. I felt that I moved enough and didn't especially need to go to the gym or consciously exercise.

However, I have come to think that I do actually need to exercise consciously. The motive for this came from the JOI students. During the lessons, every time I listened to everyone talking about going to the gym and going jogging, I gradually started to think that I also have to do this. So motivated by all of you, in order to start exercising , I went to the gym. I cycled on the bicycle and did some running. As I expected, the next day, I had muscle ache. I felt tired, but also felt refreshingly fresh. I always had an impression of exercising as being tiring, difficult and troublesome, but feeling as nice as this was quite good.

The temperature has dropped and it is a nice season now, so I am really motivated. And it's not only going to the gym, in my daily life routine I am trying to walk as much as possible, and do some muscle training as well. I hope to be able to say boastfully that “I am doing exercise too” in the next classes. I hadn't been doing any exercise at all before this, so I won't overdo it, and start little by little. And I would also like to continue for as long as possible.

習慣的(しゅうかんてき) habitual; customary

歩数(ほすう )number of steps

手入(てい)れcare; maintenance; trimming; grooming

わざわざ doing something especially rather than incidentally

きっかけstart; motive; impetus

たびに each time

べく in order to

筋肉痛(きんにくつう) muscular pain



やる気(き)willingness; motivation

筋(きん)トレ muscle training

自慢(じまん)げ proud; boastful


Hajimemashite, my name is Rie Kinoi. Do you know Sumo ? I love Sumo. Currently, there are many foreign Sumo wrestlers and they call speak Japanese really well. I often think that I would love to teach people to speak Japanese as naturally as they do.
I also love to travel. And I am fascinated by air, scenery, lifestyle, culture and of course languages of places that I am not familiar with. Japan has a lot of wonderful places to visit too, I'd like to introduce these to you.
Well now, you all must have various reasons and goals to study Japanese. I would like to lend support to you and help you succeed in achieving those goals. In my lessons, I will teach not only in an interesting and fun way, but also guide you to absorb a number of different topics. Lets do well together !< /p>

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