Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Japanese school trips

Japanese field excursions and school trips

In Japan the schools often organize school trips or field excursions usually for a whole grade which travels en masse to various destinations.

In this blog for Japanese learners', Sakude sensei – one of the Japanese language teachers at JOI, explains her experiences of this educational event in her life and her children's lives.

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Japanese school trips









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Japanese school trips

Do you know what 'shugaku ryokou' is ? 'Shugaku ryokou' is one of the school events in Elementary schools, Junior High School and High School, in which the children and students are led as a group by the teaching staff to have an overnight excursion for outside education and for educational purposes.

This apparently began in Japan in the Meiji period, and long ago most of the trips were to shrines, but now there are at various different destinations. At some private schools the number of trips abroad have been increasing too.

When I was a kid, I used to really look forward to these school trips. The thought of separating from my parents and going on an overnight trip with my school friends was both exciting and thrilling. When I look back at the memories of walking around famous tourist spots, doing free activities, having banquets at the destinations, chatting to friends and choosing souvenirs for my family, it was all fun. It was the best memory of my school days.

My daughter is also going on her 'shugaku ryokou' in autumn. They are going to Shirahama in Wakayama Prefecture and she is really looking forward to it. I hope she goes and comes back having had many experiences.

修学旅行(しゅうがくりょこう) school excursion [journey]; trip for educational purposes

学校行事(がっこうぎょうじ)  school event

教職員(きょうしょくいん)  teaching staff; faculty

明治時代(めいじじだい) the Meiji era [period] (1868-1912)

ドキドキ throb, beat (fast), go pit‐a‐pat

わくわく tremble; excitedly; thrilled

観光名所(かんこうめいしょ) sightseeing spot; tourist attraction

自由行動(じゆうこうどう) free [unorganized] activities

ご馳走(ちそう) banquet


Hajimemashite! I am Sakude Emi. I live in Osaka, Japan's second largest city, with my daughters, son and my Brazilian husband. My hobby is cooking, especially dishes from around the world.

My husband and I often talk about how much misunderstanding there is in the world between individuals and between nations. We feel it is these misunderstandings that block smooth human relations. I would like to do what I can to unravel these knots of misunderstanding.

If there is anything you'd like to ask me, even if it's not connected to learning Japanese, please feel free. Let's do our best together. Ganbarou

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