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The Strawberry Kingdom

Fruits in Japan

Japanese fruits are famous for being expensive, but not all the fruits are. If you go to the supermarkets, there are reasonably priced fruits on sale, but it is true that there is a market for high-end fruits too.

There are many fruits that are native to Japan, like the Japanese pear (or Nashi) and Japanese persimmon (or Kaki). But there are also fruits that were introduced to Japan from abroad, most commonly in the Meiji period in Japanese history.

In this teacher's blog by Suzuki sensei from JOI Japanese online school, we are introduced to one of Japan's favorite fruit, the ichigo or strawberry. Make sure to watch the video to see the delicious photographs !

The Strawberry Kingdom


By Suzuki Ayako





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The Strawberry Kingdom

Tochigi prefecture where I live, is Japan's biggest producer of strawberries (or ichigo in Japanese) and is known as “The Strawberry Kingdom”. Tochigi is apparently suited to the cultivation of strawberries, since it is blessed with long hours of sunlight during winter, fertile soil and clean water. The Tochiotome variety which was developed in Tochigi is one of the leading most popular varieties in Japan.

Recently, a new variety called the Sky Berry has been created. The Sky Berry is larger then the Tochiotome, is of a high quality, and is very sweet.

In the prefecture there are many strawberry farms, and you can enjoy strawberry picking from December to May. If you come to Tochigi during strawberry season, you can eat lots of delicious strawberries.

王国(おうこく)  kingdom

日照時間(にっしょうじかん)  hours of sunlight

肥沃(ひよく)な  fertile

栽培(さいばい)  cultivation

イチゴ狩(が)り  strawberry picking


Konnichiwa. My name is Ayako Suzuki.
I live in Tochigi prefecture with my husband and two children. Tochigi has two towns that are very popular tourist attractions; Nikko, which is famous for its World Heritage shrine and its wonderful nature, and Mashiko which is famous for its pottery. Its only two hours by train from Tokyo, so if you get that chance, please come and visit Tochigi.
Through the language of Japanese, I am happy to and looking forward to meeting you all. Lets study Japanese together.

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