Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

JOI Support staff and manager.

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Kawanakajima battle

The Sengoku period

Japanese history is generally separated into various periods or stages of history. These are usually named either by the current capital of the country at the time or by the ruling clan of the time.

One of these periods is the period of Warring states, or Sengoku era in which there were numerous contests between clans to gain control of land and consequently unite the lands into one nation.

In this blog by one of the Japanese teachers at JOI, Momoki sensei, who lives Fuefuki city in Yamanashi prefecture, she deals with history and also with a current and growing trend.

Read this to learn about Japanese vocabulary and Japanese history as well as a contemporary Japanese festival.

Kawanakajima battle







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Kawanakajima battle

The city of Fuefuki in Yamanashi prefecture, which I live in, is the largest producer of peaches in Japan. If you want to eat peaches, then I recommend month of July in summer; but in spring, when you can see carpets of peach blossoms, it is also exceptional. And here in Fuefuki, during this period there are many festivals held.

And one of the most popular among these is the Kawanakajima battle Sengoku emaki. The participants wear armor and according to the scenario, separate into the two sides of the troops of the Takeda force and those of the Uesugi force and play out the battle. It is a great battle involving around 650 participants! You can time slip to the Sengoku period on this day only ! It is a highlight even to just watch.

If you want to take part in this event for next year, then you'll have start preparing now, because there is a rush to get the applications and recruitment in, which happen at the same time, before the deadline.

産地(さんち) the place of production

じゅうたん carpet

格別(かくべつ) particular, special, exceptional

時期(じき) time, period

川中島合戦(かわなかじまかっせん)the battle of Kawanakajima

戦国(せんごく)sengoku, Civil Wars

絵巻(えまき) picture scroll


武田軍(たけだぐん)troops of Shingen Takeda

上杉軍(うえすぎぐん)troops of Kenshin Uesugi

繰(く)り広(ひろ)げる play, unfold, stretch, extend

一大(いちだい)one large, a great

戦国時代(せんごくじだい)sengoku era c.1467- c.1603

タイムスリップslip back in time to

圧巻(あっかん) the best part, the highlight


同時(どうじ)at the same time, simultaneously

応募(おうぼ)apply, subscribe

殺到(さっとう)rush to

締(し)め切(き)り closing, a deadline


Konnichiwa everyone ! My name is Yuko Momoki and I live in Yamanashi prefecture which is famous for peaches and grapes and is the gateway to Mount Fuji. I have a lively family of 5, consisting of my husband, 2 sons, my mother and myself and we live in an environment surrounded by nature.

Up to now, I have taught Japanese to people from various countries and we have laughed together, worried together, gotten angry and at times spent time together that was often more intense and fun than the time spent with good friends.

When I think about how I will be able to spend the wonderful time that we have to share together...well my heart just pounds! I will try to make sure that we succeed in progressing your Japanese together, douzo yoroshiku onegaiitashimasu.

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