"Take care" in Japanese business emails

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  • Moses JOI Support
  • Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Today I would like to introduce you to the Japanese phrase. You can use it in formal emails to really great effect!


Today's phrase :



What does it really mean? When do I use it?

In Japanese, when writing a letter or e-mail, some people may write ご自愛ください as the last phrase, or message closer.

It means "Please take care of your health".

It is a sentiment of concern for the other person's physical condition.

It is also often used in business situations.

letter japanese


◆ 語源 etymology :

自愛 means to take good care of oneself. So,ご自愛ください means, "Take good care of yourself."

Recently, it is said that many Japanese people often misuse this phrase.

Some people tend to add the words 「お体を」 before 「自愛ください」

and write -「お体をご自愛ください」

This is a wrong usage.

You may think that since you are expressing a sentiment about the other person's physical condition, it would be fine to say, 「お体をご自愛ください」 but the phrase「ご自愛ください」 already includes the meaning of "body".

Therefore, adding 「お体を」 in front of「 ご自愛ください」 duplicates the word for body.


Another thing to keep in mind is that it should not be used for people who are not feeling well. If someone is actually ill, it is better to write phrases such as





Also, you can prefix words such as"くれぐれも" and どうぞ" These words will make the expression more polite.

Like this,



Good luck with your Japanese studies... and be sure to use this phrase in your emails!