Japanese autumn fruits

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Japan is a country with four disctinct seasons.
And as a result, the harvesting of crops differs according to the climate.

In the autumn months, there are various foods that are ripe to eat.
Here are some of them.


Apples 林檎(りんご)

The most famous apple growing region in Japan is Aomori prefecture.
Aomori apples are in great demand during autumn and you can buy them all over the country.



Persimmons 柿(かき)
The most popular persimmon growing prefectures are Wakayama and Fukuoka and the fruit can be harvested between October and November.



Japanese pears 和梨(わなし)
The Japanese word for pear ‘nashi’ 梨 specifically refers to Japanese pears.


When we say pear, or even pear-shaped, we are referring to European pears according to the Japanese language.
European pears in Japan are called Yo-nashi 洋梨


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