It's All About Repetition! But is it too much?
What makes for success in Japanese learning?
Repetition is a great way to memorize your learning permanently!
But can there be too much repetition?
Maybe during a conversation - Yes!
Let's try a Japanese quiz!
彼女が( )と詳細にこだわるので、なかなか話が進まない。
Because she insists on going on and on into excessive detail, the conversation doesn't progress easily.
Choose the correct word to fit into the missing space ( ).
Select the answer from choices 1~ 4 below.
① じとじと
② ぎすぎす
③ くどくど
④ ずるずる
答えは・・・The answer is・・・
③ くどくど
◆ Today's expression
The term "くどくど" is used to express when someone is repeating something excessively, becoming tedious or long-winded.