How to say 'a fake' in Japanese!

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Have you ever seen reviews for products and wondered if they are real?

There is a word in Japanese for this - Can you guess what it is?

Let's try a Japanese language quiz!



A: あのパン屋さん。たくさんの人が並んでいるね!
B: たぶん、(      )だよ。


A: That new bakery has many people lined up.
B: Maybe, the customers in that line are fake.


Choose an answer from from 1~4

① サクラ
② カメ
③ ツメ
④ ヒツジ


答えは・・・The answer is・・・





① サクラ


Vocabulary explanation

サクラ decoy、fake

The word sakura can be used to mean "a plant".

A cloak for someone who is hired by an event organizer or distributor to blend in with customers or lines to enhance a particular scene or the entire event, or to disguise an atmosphere of good sales of a product.

It can also be used to mean fake reviewers for products or hired audiences for shows or entertainment to hype the crowd.

Good luck with your studies!

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