How do you read this Kanji?

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Have you ever taken the JLPT test?

One of the parts of the test that is quite tricky is guessing the correct reading for Kanji, with a choice to select from.

Try this quiz and see if you can guess the correct answer.

Let's try a Japanese quiz!



How do you read this Kanji?

あのレストランの 雰囲気、最高でした!

The atmosphere in that restaurant was great.


Choose the correct word to fit into the missing space (    ).

Select the answer from choices 1~ 4 below.

① ふんいき
② ふいんき
③ ふいいき
④ ふんうき

答えは・・・The answer is・・・




① ふんいき


◆ Today's expression

雰囲気(ふんいき)atmosphere, ambiance

Did you make a mistake?

However, It is said that a certain number of Japanese people call it fuinki.

Language changes, so perhaps someday the reading of "fuinki" will be judged to be correct.



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