Have you heard the word ナイーブ in Japanese?
Did you know that some words that are originally English words have a different meaning in Japanese?
Let's try a Japanese language quiz!
Today's word ナイーブ : Naive
どういう意味でしょうか? (What does this mean?) Choose from 1~4.
◆Vocabulary Hint
だまされやすい gullible
疑(うたが)いぶかい skeptical
無邪気(むじゃき) innocent
繊細(せんさい) sensitive
答えは・・・The answer is・・・
④ 繊細(せんさい) - sensitive
◆ Main point to remember :
The word "naive" and the Japanese word ナイーブ have different meanings, although the Japanese word originates from the English word.