Guess Work with Japanese People

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When you are dealing with different people of varying nationalities, reading their body language and mood can be tough.

There is one phrase that captures this type of guesswork in Japanese quite well - can you guess it?

Let's try a Japanese quiz!



A: 彼、最近元気がないね。

B: そうだね、理由はだいたい、(  )がつくよ。

A: He seems a bit down lately.

B: Yeah, you can pretty much guess the reason, I suppose.


Choose the correct word to fit into the missing space (    ).

Select the answer from choices 1~ 3 below.

① 察し
② 思い
③ 理解

答えは・・・The answer is・・・




① 察し


◆ Today's expression


This phrase is used to express a process of guesswork used to infer something based on a person's demeanor or the situation.

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