Dry Winter Skin? A Japanese Way to Say.
Winter months in Japan are extremely dry. Can you guess the word they use to express this?
Let's try a Japanese quiz!
冬は乾燥しているので、唇が( )になります。
Winter is dry and my lips become dry and chapped.
・乾燥(かんそう)する dry
・唇(くちびる) lips
Choose the correct word to fit into the missing space ( ).
Select the answer from choices 1~ 4 below.
① ぎざぎざ
② かさかさ
③ さらさら
④ つるつる
答えは・・・The answer is・・・
② かさかさ
◆ Today's expression
to become dry and rough.It refers to the state where the skin or hair becomes dry, flaky, and lacks moisture.