Delight your Japanese friends with this phrase!

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You can delight your Japanese friends with this phrase!
Honestly, Japanese people love when foreigners use fun and interesting idiomatic phrases!

Let's try a Japanese language quiz!




スマホが壊(こわ)れたみたい。(   )言わないの。

I think my smartphone is broken. It's not making a sound at all.


Choose an answer from from 1~3.

① あんともうんとも
② すんともあんとも
③ うんともすんとも

答えは・・・The answer is・・・




③ うんともすんとも


◆Today's vocabulary:

うんともすんとも言わない  say nothing at all


◆ Example sentence:

I sent an invitation to him but he never said yes or no.

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