Classifications of medicine in Japan: Which do you choose?

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Classifications of medicine in Japan: Which do you choose?

If you travel in Japan or come to Japan to live, you may find the need to purchase some medicine.

If you go to any major drug store, you can find different kinds of medicines.
But you may me confused by the different classifications that accompany the medicines.

Here is an explanation for these classifications:-

Class 1 (第1類医薬品):

This type of medicine is stronger and has some side effects.
Because of this, you need to consult a pharmacist, before buying them.
If there is no pharmacist on duty at the store at the time you want to buy the medicine, then you cannot buy it - even if it is right there behind the counter!

 d small pills

Class 2 (第2類医薬品):

This type of medicine is what is often called OTC medicine in other countries.
You can purchase them even without a pharmacist.

You often will get asked to "please take care to use it according to the written instructions".
And you may be asked to tap on a [legal acceptance of instructions] at the counter as you buy the medicine.


Class 3 (第3類医薬品):

These are medicines with no side effects or "weaker medicine".
These include:-
throat sweets and drops, eye drops, bandaids, etc.

They can sometimes be found in stores that are not strictly drug stores, like convenience stores and supermarkets.

d small pharm

We hope that if you are traveling in Japan you stay healthy.
But if you need to buy some medicine, then please make sure that you remember these classifications.


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