A good night's sleep - Japanese style

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Do you usually get a good night's sleep?There are many ways to express this in Japanese.

This style of expression is often tested in the JLPT examinations.

Let's try a typical JLPT-style quiz!




A: 昨日の夜はどうだった?よく眠れた?

B: ( )眠れたよ!一度も目が覚めなかったよ。

A: How was your sleep last night?

B: I slept like a log! I was completely out, didn't wake up once.


Choose an answer from from 1~4.

① ぐっすり
② どっしり
③ ざっくり
④ ざっくり

答えは・・・The answer is・・・




① ぐっすり


◆ Today's phrase

The expression "ぐっすり" represents a state of deep and restful sleep. It is used to describe a state where sleep is exceptionally good, and one is soundly asleep without any worries or disturbances.


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