A Bright Ray of Sunshine For You

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The seasons in Japan are very varied, depending on the location.

From freezing cold winters to blazing hot summers.

So naturally, there are a lot of descriptive vocabulary words to describe the weather.

Let's try a Japanese quiz!



In summer, the sun shines strongly. And what do you call such weather?


Choose the correct word to fit into the missing space (    ).

Select the answer from choices 1~ 3 below.

① サンサン照り
② カンカン照り
③ ドンドン照り

答えは・・・The answer is・・・




② カンカン照り


◆ Today's expression


intense sun exposure
scorching weather

◆ Example Sentence


We experienced scorching hot days for 20 consecutive days, leading to a water shortage.

*水不足(みずぶそく):water shortage


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