2022 Long Hot Summer in Japan

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2022 Long Hot Summer in Japan

The rainy season has come to an abrupt end in Japan.
It is the shortest rainy season on record, and earliest start of the main summer season.

The Japanese government has issued warnings for possible power outages in Tokyo and residents are advised to try to reduce their use of electricity.

One of the biggest dangers this summer in Japan will be heatstroke.

What can we do to reduce this danger?

1. Drink
Try to drink regularly.
Drinks that contain sodium, salt, and sugar can help prevent dehydration better than just water.

cool japanese summer

2. Use cooling products
There are a large number of products available to help cool your body down.
Air conditioners are the best, but electric fans, cooling sheets, and ice pillows are among the many products on sale in Japan during summer.

fan summer japan

3. Adjust your daily schedule
If possible, try to do your outdoor chores in the early morning or in the evening when the temperatures are not too high.
You may even think about adopting the 'siesta culture' too!

 siesta japan girl

It looks like it is going to be a long and hot summer in Japan this year.
Please take care not to get heatstroke and try to make use of the above advice.


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