JOI staff introduce useful and interesting Japanese expressions.
Having a bad hair day?
Describing the state of your hair in Japanese can sound quire cute!
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This phrase and it's abbreviation has become extremely popular in daily Japanese usage!
You can delight your Japanese friends with this phrase!
Honestly, Japanese people love when foreigners use fun and interesting idiomatic phrases!
Do you like Sushi? How many Sushi can you name?
When you live or visit Japan, it is important to have good Kanji knowledge - especially with Kanji surrounding medical terms.
Can you guess the correct Kanji or word in this quiz?
How do you say in Japanese when you have a toothache?
Speaking Japanese fluently requires some good idiom usage!Try this word quiz about idioms and improve your Japanese.
Have you ever given it your all when studying for a language test? If the answer is yes, this phrase might be useful for you.
How do you say smooth in Japanese?
What kind of things do you have difficulty with?
There are gas stations everywhere in Japan. And there is an interesting word for it in Japanese. Can you guess the word in Japanese?
Japanese people are known to be quite shy. And there are many ways to say you are embarrassed in Japanese.
Here is a useful idiomatic word you can use in business and everyday conversation.
Sometimes, when studying Japanese, you may find some things difficult.Here is a fun phrase to describe when things get difficult!
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