May 2018 Chat Event Topic & Schedule
Topic: タイムトラベル Time Travel
Date:2018/05/25 15:00 (Japan Time)
Level: Beginner2, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate
Itaya sensei's remarks:
もしタイムトラベルができるとしたら、あなたは過去へ行きたいですか? 未来へ行きたいですか?
If you could travel through time, would you like to go to the past?
Or would you like to travel to the future?
Topic: 捨てずにリサイクル
Recycle without throwing things away
Date: 2018/5/29 21:00 (Japan Time)
Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Hachiyama sensei's remarks:
Recycling is what we call re-using things that have become old from use or renewing things without throwing them away.
What do you recycle at home?