Cancel or Pause Subscriptions

Thank you for taking lessons at JOI.

We will pause or cancel your subscription shortly.
Some parts of the cancellation process are manual, so the process will be completed when a JOI staff member is available to complete the steps.

If you have paused your subscription, you will be able to use your remaining lesson tickets until the next subscription renewal date.
The Subscription will not restart until you choose to restart and notify us of the restart.

Once you have canceled your subscription, any remaining Lesson Tickets on your account will become invalid and the number of tickets on your account will be reset to zero and no refunds will be given.
Therefore, please try to cancel a subscription only after you have completed the lesson tickets in your account.
Cancellation or Pause Notifications
The Cancellation or Pause Notification is the email you just sent from the system to us.
Please note that cancellation notifications need to be done 5 days before your Subscription Renewal Date.
If the email was sent 5 days or more before your Subscription Renewal Date, then we will be able to pause or cancel your subscription before you are charged for the next month, and you will not be charged for any further subscriptions for this Subscription Plan.
However, if this cancellation or pause notification is sent less than 5 days before your Subscription Renewal Date, you will not be charged for the next month.
Remaining Tickets and Carry-Over Tickets

If you cancel your subscription while you still have valid tickets in your account, you will lose all of your remaining tickets. The remaining tickets will be reset to zero and no refunds will be given.
So please try to cancel a subscription only after you have completed the lesson tickets in your account.

If you pause your subscription, the remaining tickets in the subscription will be valid until the end of your current 30-day subscription period.
The tickets will not, however, be carried over to the next month.

You can restart a paused subscription anytime by sending us an email from your account.

Would you like to change your Subscription Plan?
If you would like to change to a different Subscription Plan, please purchase the new plan from this page →.
If you plan to purchase a new package, we recommend that you do so after you have used up your current remaining tickets.
When a new plan starts, the remaining tickets from the old plan are lost.
If there is any way we can improve the system and classes, please do not hesitate to give us some feedback.
JOI Support Team

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(Anzuru yori umu ga yasashi)

Literally: Giving birth to a baby is easier than worrying about it

Meaning: Trying is sometimes easier than expected.

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