How would you talk to a dog if it only understood Japanese ? Inamoto sensei has the opposite problem ! Japanese pet dogs learn a few phrases, like sit - 'osuwari' or give me your hand - 'ote', but what happens when the animal doesn't understand Japanese ?

This blog by Inamoto sensei gives an amusing insight into this domestic situation. Vocabulary hints, Kanji readings and an English translation are provided.

Our house's pet dog




1ヶ月前に我が家に新しい犬が来ました。カミーラといいます。前の飼い主が かえなくなってしまったので、引き取ったのです。実はその飼い主、スペイン語を話す人だったので、はじめ日本語が全然わかりませんでした。


仔犬なので、レッスンのときに ほえてしまうかもしれませんが、みなさん ゆるしてください。

To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.


1ヶ月(かげつ)前(まえ)に我(わ)が家(や)に新(あたら)しい犬(いぬ)が来(き)ました。カミーラといいます。前(まえ)の飼(か)い主(ぬし)が かえなくなってしまったので、引(ひ)き取(と)ったのです。実(じつ)はその飼(か)い主(ぬし)、スペイン語(ご)を話(はな)す人だったので 、カミーラは はじめ日本語(にほんご)が全然(ぜんぜん)わかりませんでした。


仔犬(こいぬ)なので、レッスンのときに ほえてしまうかもしれませんが、みなさん ゆるしてください。

A month a go, a new dog came to live at our house. Her name is Camilla. Her previous owner couldn't take care of her anymore, so we took care of her. Actually, that owner spoke Spanish, so Camilla didn't understand a word of Japanese at first.

However, recently she has gradually come to understand some Japanese. She has learned to understand “Wait” - 'mate', “Sit” - 'osuwari' , “Come here” - 'oide' and “No!” - 'dame' But she still doesn't understand, “Lie down” -'fuse' and “Give me your hand” - 'ote'. We are practicing these phrases now.

During my online lessons, you might hear the puppy barking in the background, if you do please forgive her !

我(わ)が家(や) my home

飼(か)い主(ぬし) owner

引(ひ)き取(と)る claim; take care of

まて wait

おすわり sit down

おいで some here

だめ no

ふせ lie down

お手(て) give me a hand

仔犬(こいぬ) puppy

ほえる bark

ゆるす forgive

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