There are many famous landmark parks in Japan, and one of the most endeared is Odori Koen Park in Sapporo, Hokkaido. In his last blog for JOI, Momii sensei introduces the past, present and future of this spot.

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Odori Koen Park


By MOMII Shigefumi

Odori Koen Park




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Odori Koen Park

In the center of our town, Sapporo, lies Odori Koen Park, which has become a well-loved place of rest and relaxation for the citizens. It is belt-shaped, running 1.5 kilometers from east to west and about 65 meters wide with a television tower situated on the east end and the civic data center situated on the west end. There are many events held within Odori Koen Park, starting with the Snow Festival in February, the Spring Flower Festival , the Summer Yosakoi Souran Matsuri Festival and through to the Autumn Festa which is a food festival.

Now, Sapporo was the venue for the 1972 Winter Olympics. And also three 2002 World Cup Soccer games were hosted in Sapporo including the England vs Argentina game. And Odori Koen Park which is less than 30 minutes on foot from the venue was a preferred gathering spot for the wildly enthusiastic fans . And I remember the place having the illusion of being a foreign country at the time.

And by the way, since it was announced that Sapporo was been chosen as the venue of the soccer games for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the citizens here have been waiting impatiently for that day to come. We are all looking forward to seeing Odori Koen Park become bustling once again with foreign supporters and tourists.

わが街(まち):our town


憩(いこい)の場(ば):a place of rest and relaxation


東端(とうたん):the eastern end

資料館(しりょうかん):the data library

テレビ塔(とう):a TV tower

よさこいソーラン祭り:the name of a festival of the dance

食(しょく)の祭典(さいてん):the food festival

冬季(とうき)オリンピック:Winter Olimpics

開催地(かいさいち):the place where a meeting is held

30分(ぷん)足(た)らずで:in less than thirty minutes

熱狂的(ねっきょうてき)な:wildly enthusiastic


たまり場(ば):a gathering spot

錯覚(さっかく)さえ覚(おぼ)える:to have even an illusion

首(くび)を長(なが)くして待つ:to wait impatiently


賑(にぎ)わう:to be bustling

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