Every year Japan experiences a minor influenza epidemic. Schools are closed down, classes are suspended at universities and countless people miss work while suffering from the virus.

This touching and amusing tale from Takase sensei gives a personal view of the situation. Read the Japanese language blog, and enjoy watching and listening to the video to practice your Japanese listening.



By TAKASE Chiharu






To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.






The influenza bug has finally arrived at our family's doorstep. Two weeks ago, on Tuesday one of my son's friends caught influenza, and then the next day, we got a call from the school saying, "Due to the widespread of influenza, there have been increasing absentees at the school, so from tomorrow and for a period of two days the school classes will be temporarily suspended." "Oh no!" I thought, "My son has definitely been infected as well". But a day passed, then two and then three and there was no change in son's physical condition. And that night just on the day that I began to think, "May be he's alright", he ran a high fever. "Oh, I just knew it..."

Including the two days of temporary closed classes, and the five days he had off with the flu, he ended up missing a whole week of school. Thankfully my son had been vaccinated, so he felt a lot better after one day in bed and he didn't seem to be in too much pain. He couldn't go outside and he had too much time on his hands, so he kept on repeating "There's nothing to do, I'm bored" but thank goodness that it passed over so lightly.

Getting influenza is really terrible. So please don't forget to wash your hands, take good nutrition and make sure to get plenty of sleep.

流行る(はやる):be on the increase

学級閉鎖(がっきゅうへいさ):temporary closing of classes



済む(すむ):to merely result in something less severe than expected

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