Japanese birdlife

Yatabe sensei introduces a typical bird found in Japanese nature. Nature and birdlife are changing in Japan and if you read on, you can find out more.

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Japanese Sparrows


By YATABE Kumiko






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Japanese Sparrows

Have you ever heard of the sparrow? It is a small, round, brown bird that has been living in Japan since ancient times. The Chinese character for “sparrow” means "small bird.

There is an old tale called “Tongue Cutter Sparrow,” a children's song called “Sparrow School,” and sparrows also appear in old literature. They are cute when they walk on the ground, bouncing and jumping. Because they are omnivorous and eat rice, they have lived in harmony with humans for a long time, although they have been a nuisance to rice farmers.

Sparrows are familiar to the Japanese, but their numbers are now declining dramatically. Come to think of it, I used to see them perched on power lines and the like, but I don't see them much these days. The reason is unknown, but it is thought that changes in housing have made it harder for sparrows to build nests and that there are fewer things for them to feed on.

Unlike parakeets and other birds, these birds are plain in appearance, but it is sad when the ones that used to be around are gone. I hope they will not become extinct.

生息(せいそく)する make one's habitat

昔話(むかしばなし)old story

童謡(どうよう)children's song

登場(とうじょう)する appear


稲作農家(いなさくのうか)rice farm

共生(きょうせい)する cohabit

馴染(なじ)み深(ぶか)い familiar

激減(げきげん)する decrease dramatically

電線(でんせん)electric wire


地味(じみ)plain, simple

絶滅(ぜつめつ)する go extinct


Konnichiwa. My name is Kumiko Yatabe. I live in Saitama, just North of Tokyo.

The best way to learn to speak a foreign language is to talk with a person from that country.

Books and CD learning materials as well as movies and music from that country are good learning tools. But unfortunately they do not talk back to you or correct your mistakes.

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